Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Metro Last Light


The Arbiter of the Gods
So basically I bought this game about two days ago and have already completed it. Now, before you say anything, it's certainly not short, I just spent about 12 hours on it, and I know I could have done more exploring :p

... And I got the bad ending, because I killed faaaar too many people to count. Other than that, I almost cried at the end. The game is beautiful, in every sense possible. The atmosphere, the gameplay mechanics and the scenery all make you feel like you're there. That game has been taken, while not TO perfection, very close.

The graphics are basically the same as in Metro 2033, except with slight improvements which aren't that obvious, however 2033's graphics were good enough anyway, so I'm really not bothered about the similarity in graphics. The scenery was improved greatly though.
The handling of the game is much smoother and seems more realistic than original Metro's, and you don't rush the game simply because you don't feel you want to, at least that's my view of it, and so I took the game very calmly and slowly.
When outside, things like water, dirt or blood get on your gas mask and you have to wipe them off by tapping g (on PC), which basically made me run to the nearest enemy and shoot it just to see myself wipe blood off xD
NPCs communicate very well between each other, and it's not the case of "THEY KNOW" sort of thing, they're not stupid but they're not all-amazing geniuses either, though certainly mutants are far harder than humans to fight.

The game isn't just an FPS. Metro 2033 wasn't either. Last Light shows what humans are like and it's a really scary thought. The game made me want to buy the books so bad it's not even funny, because apparently these are just as good if not better.

Overall I'd give it a strong 8/10. I experienced some bugs but for such a new game it seriously is very little. The gameplay DID get frustrating at times, but that's just the way I am.

And a nice screenshot I took for you to look over just to show the game really is beautiful.

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
It's one of those games that I could certainly play over an over and over...
But in order for me to enjoy this game (and I believe that is the way that is meant to be played), the FoV shoud be changed to 75 at least, and the difficulty should be no other than Ranger Hardcore.

I plan to record my own gameplay, where in every non-mutant encounter, I don't even need to use any other weapons but the knock-out melee attack, trowing knifes if a takedown is needed, and (only in a very needed situation), the revolver to take down lights.

I already played most of the game like that, so I believe I can recreate it while recording ^^


Lord of Altera
I have Metro 2033 and I LOVE it! :p

I really wanted Last Light, but I don't have the money for it because of all the even cooler games coming out in a few months, sadly :(

Metro 2033 was a great game, though, and after watching 25 episodes of Metro: Last Light by the YouTuber called "kootra" I really, once again, fell in love with the games. It made me start playing Metro 2033 again, as I couldn't afford Last Light :p

Brave Rubber Duck

Sally little helper
Downloaded it (bad me!), and so far, I'm enjoying it a lot :D.
Altough I did the same, I always had this policy on my mind. If I enjoyed it, I will buy it. Even if I have to wait an year for a random sale, and probably not even re-install at that time, I buy it, just because I know they deserve the support.
(this only applies to over 20€ games, under that I usually buy after I know it's worth it )