Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Mine's Poetry


Lord of Altera
Forging a Blade

Hammers ring from the Deep,
Metal beats metal where blood does seep,
The anguished cries of Dwarves and Men
As metal stops metal and hammers bend,
Backs will break, sweat will fall
As the wills of those strong but skilled
Fail, down in the Deep.

An anvil's cry, the mighty forge,
Metal is won and flesh is spent,
Another blade is forged and tossed aside
Its hue discoloured and temper wrong,
Cries of rage, hollow but raw
New ore is smelted poor, impure
Lies, down in the Deep.

Desperation, louder than all,
Metal unwilling and smiths even so,
No weapon shall ever such be forged!
Nay, but something be to us unknown,
Dwarves brood below, Men leave to search
We lack to see, our folly be thick fog
Knowing, down in the Deep.

Iron is poured, its frothing maw,
A knowledge old and lost to all,
New mixes are true and alloys sure
With minds afresh and souls renewed,
Great echoing, skill in sound
Metal be beaten and shaped at will
Truth, down in the Deep.

A job well done, its finished form,
Alloys are mastered and knowledge is found
Men, Dwarves, links be formed,
May ever we live on! Our children too!
Shouts of joy, tankards around
A new blade be birthed
Down in the Deep.
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