Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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mitchyrp ban appeal [Declined]


Hello everyone

For those who don't know me, I was a member of this wonderful community a pretty long time ago. My name was mitchyrp, but you can call me Timo as that is my real name.

I made terrible mistakes back then, I was stubborn and just acted bad to the staff... which I owe my most humble apologies. In the time I was banned I was able to rethink about what I did and finally I saw how immature I have been. That was my biggest mistake and I should have done what the staff asked me too :(.

I feel like I have matured quiet a lot since then and I just know I would never repeat the same mistake again. I respect the members of this community to much for that. Especially Itzzaboy, who I occasionally play LoL with. I miss the wonderful moments me and my Hollowworld friends had and I want to reconnect with them and proof that what I say is true and not just a weak excuse.

I wish everyone the best and just hope for this final chance to rejoice in this community.



Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Hello there,

You have quite a history with this server. Not only have you had your original account banned on the forums (and making a new one can certainly be subject to immediate banning with no questions asked, by the way. Perhaps you should review the rules list we have), but this has happened more than a few times. This has gone back for almost two years, and I don't think that making a new account to apologize with such a lack of specificity is the way to demonstrate that you have matured past this.

Staff has decided not to approve your ban appeal.