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[Motte&Bailey] Ulrych's Motte


King's Hand
Ulrych's Motte
Ulrych's Motte is a Motte with a bailey owned by Ulrych Lonmar (Tomahawk777), heir and knight of Lonmar, co-mayor and farmer of Stormhold. For the game of Crowns Ulrych decided to build a mansion for him on the continent Stormhold also take place, to strengthen the claim Lonmars on this area of Altera. The Motte is near Castle Whiterock, capital of Lonmar, and Windvale Valley, owned by MrTeamSparky. This region doesn't accept any members, beside they are friends of House Lonmar and Ulrych (or germans, because at the moment I am all alone). There will be some houses for high members of House Lonmar.​
Main building:​
- Defence tower on a artificial hill, surrounded by a moat​
- Great longhouse, in the center of the bailey​
- Stables outside the walls to travel to or from the Castle​
Planned buildings:​
- Tavern​
- Blacksmith​
- Wheatfields outside the walls​
- Some house to live in​
- Lumber mill outside the walls​
- Road, leading to Stormhold​
- Guild house of the "Alteran Farmer Guild"​
I will update this as often as possible. Please leave a comment if you like, have suggestions or found mistakes in this thread.​


King's Hand
How to get to Ulrych's Motte
1. Use /spawn to go to PS​
2. Go through the portal, leading to Gypsy Camp​
3. Go along the portal on your right until they end, then go around the last portals to the back of them​
4. Go throught the portal, which have the sign "Ulrych's_Motte" on it.2012-09-29_23.56.19.png


King's Hand
Thanks, I might need some help with building some of the big pines I had to remove for the terraforming.
If anyone want to do this PM me and we will handle this out (person should have flying perms).
Also I might need some designing ideas for the houses inside the bailey and the interior of the hall.