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moving land


Loyal Servant of Altera
Howdy, I was wondering if we could move some plots we bought. Due to the fact that we are new and did not know we could world edit and such, and just bought 52 plots on a random island we thought would work. Thanks for your time!



object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Heya, as regions have settled and have been purchased, we won't be able to refund the region. We generally ask new players to get a feel for the server and to know the ins and outs before purchasing regions as that's a big investment of 100k if you purchase prestige and a region for the first time. Those 52 plots won't be able to be changed by us, staff.

When we offer World Edit requests, we mean you can build something in creative that's easily movable. You must provide all the materials and diamonds that come with the build when transferring it over to the real world. That means if you build a boat, you have to provide materials from the boat and 32 diamonds per chunk in a chest on your region in the real world- for it to be World Edited on your region's docks. This does not mean we can move plots around. Moving plots around is only available to the region owner and co-owners, and the plots have to be adjacent to each other.

I'll give you some options if you're not too happy with your spot. You can unclaim and reclaim your plots around the original 1st claim in case you want to expand it differently than how it's currently placed. Or you can delete the region yourself. Deleting the region will refund you half of the original cost of the 1st purchase and plots all together. ie- if your total from the region is 60k, you'll receive 30k in return. These are the only current options of a region to be refunded.

We've only ever offered full refund twice. Once a long while ago that lasted for a month, and another during the last major campaign. This is a rare occasion and not something we plan to bring back on a whim, but perhaps during some important time. Hope this answers your question!