Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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My 50th Art Thread


Lord of Altera
Alright, so I've had a lot more free time to draw, and see what you guys request, so I've decided to open up another art request shop thing. Now I'm probably going to draw in a sketch book, take a picture of it, or scan it. I might use my Wacom Tablet to do some Photoshop stuffs but I'm not too good at that. Annnyways. Feel free to request crap if you want to! I could draw anything, but if it looks crappy, sowwy. I'm also going to just draw stuff that I want to draw sometimes.

OKEY here are some drawings from my last art thread.

Drew an awkward picture of Martyn (inthelittlewood) Also, that was a while ago so i had a crappy camera. And probably threw that picture away :3

Drew dis awsome assassin awhile ago too

Very first drawing of my character Fogi. Bless his little mentally insane heart :heart:


Dat is a dragon dat I drew. I'll take a better picture of it latar