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My... Ban appeal...

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
I feel I was cheated because I was banned for advertising, something I didn't even realize I was doing. I was having what I believed an entirely innocent conversation with someone, and while in conversation the topic of a server I go to outside of Hollow World came up. They asked questions, I answered. After everything had been said and I even asked them are they sure they wanted to go to that server, based on it's a brand new Vanilla server, with no mods or PVP, and it's creative with only two other people on it. They said yes, and I gave them the IP over PM. They logged in, looked around, then came back. While I was talking with one of the two people, I had mentioned a list. This had been misread apparently as a list of people who I want to move from this server to the other. This is incorrect. It is a list of people who I thought to be the operators of the other server. And to be honest there's only me and Lunafox, on there. While in the second post, I was even joking about my 'demonic lists of doom', and while mid post of a sentence, my screen flickered and I was banned. It seems like it doesn't matter what I've done for the server. My donations and the man hours put into the server mean nothing, when there is a small mistake, and it seems pretty much all wasted effort. If I had griefed Port Silver or Karuk-Thol, I would understand. If I had shouted curse words everywhere while using all caps in OOC, I could understand. Heck, even spamming chat I could see a hour ban or so. But I was talking to someone, who planned on leaving anyway, in RP while no one else was in the area. So in truth, there's no difference as far if they stayed or went. I PMed him the IP, so that no one else could hear because I don't want a group of people coming over, because it is indeed a private server. And even in the wiki rules, it states that IP sharing isn't illegal. Simply keep it to PM. Yes, the IP was in PM, but I believed no one else around so I spoke in RP. Yes, at some point I would like to see more than 2 people on it, but it will never go fully public. It is something that me and Lunafox go to so that we can play together. We dig, and build, on creative mode. It's kind of like our own practice server, or little play ground that we go to. We build everywhere, and build a bunch of nonsense things. We went there when we needed to get away from Hollow World if the drama got too much, or if we wanted to just play and have fun with just us. What somewhat upsets me is I dropped down I believe close to 100$, which I understand is non refundable. What upsets me more is I had also, in the past week alone, spent over 48 hours straight onto the server collectively. Possibly more than that. All in the name of bettering a city. I was on so much because I enjoyed the small tasks handed out, as well as being able to talk to the people that in a strange little way I have come to know as my friends. I might have not liked digging out holes for rooms, but it was something that needed to be done. I didn't like having to constantly go behind everyone and reorganize what seemed like 200 chests, but it was helpful to the king of the city, so I did it. I was given the task of being a farmer, so I added rooms to house chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep so that we wouldn't have to travel far. But I enjoyed doing that! It gave me a chance to be creative, and show my worth to the city. And now I cant even see pictures of the things I created, because I didn't exactly foresee being banned. But through one mistake, I have been what may be permanently banned. With no warning such as a PM saying 'do you realize you're advertising?'. Or even a warning via the new system that had been implemented. A boot, with no questions asked. While some other people have griefed major cities, stole, and even flat out cursed some of the admins. I make one mistake, and I'm banned with what seems without care. If higher ups deem me worth of an un-ban, I wouldn't argue and would actually be very delighted. If an understand could be reached that this was all a mistake, it would be amazing, as I do miss the people I talk to on the server and have no other way to get a hold of...


King of the north!
I'll unban you, it's a fair mistake. I'm sorry for causing you hastle but from our point of view it did look a bit out of place. In future at least give us a heads up about something like this :) You should be able to get online now.

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
I can haz unban? *tried to log in* o_o

The Cinnaroll

The Cinnamon Roll
Very Sweet
Retired Staff
She/Her, They/Them
T_T *cries, claws at her screen* Waiiiiiiii!