Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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My ban appeal


  • Yes please :D

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • No thanks need to stay under 2000 calories a day

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • What cake the cake is a lie?

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
It was my brother... no you have heard that one before hmm my cat did it yes my cat.... <*)))-{
Maybe starting on a joke was a bad idea?

First of all i was wondering what rule I broke the got me banned? since i have been snopping around cheking the wiki the forum and the kings law that i have on my laptop and i can't spot what rule i broke (it might just be me being blind)

Second I'm not gonna appoligise for what I said about the name since then I wouldn't be able to look my self into the miror.

Now with that out of the way i will appoligiese for being disrepectfull to the admins/moderators. But i can't promise not to do it again I will try but it might still happen out of anger and fustration and i think most off us can relate to that right?

what else is there left to say I like the server but if ou decide to let the ban stay and i will move on Though I have never been on a server like hollow world. :)

Oh shoot that poll was not supppsed to go up just me folling around while thinking of what i should wright


Lord of Altera
Of course its his call but bigeasy is a good guy, great fun and gets really involved in the community. I don't know what he has done but i trust what he says.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Serrino = cherbert
Oh i didn't know that

And Draco got very upset about a name and some other stuff like being told what I was allowed to say and not say but I think it would be fair if this was turned into a Temp ban since it have given me time to think of the stuff I have said and done wich might be what stopped me from turning into a Luther2.0


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Oh i didn't know that

And Draco got very upset about a name and some other stuff like being told what I was allowed to say and not say but I think it would be fair if this was turned into a Temp ban since it have given me time to think of the stuff I have said and done wich might be what stopped me from turning into a Luther2.0
In future keep your disjointed views to yourself. You are entitled to be offended but don't get on your high horse and rail road one of our member applications who quite frankly hadn't even done anything wrong. I have seen far more offensive stuff in my time playing Minecraft.