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my ban

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alec goldstein

I think I might like it here
i would like to know the status of my ban, is it a temp or perm ban, and if its a temp ban then please tell me how long it is. please and thank you

alec goldstein

I think I might like it here
listen steel, i came about this all wrong. hear me out. there is only one entrance to the southern wilds right now and there is no safe zone. its wrong that you and alvice are camping that one entrance. there were plenty of people in the OOC in agreement. If there are that many people in the OOC addressing that issue, then it is your job as an admin to address the issue. i don't care that i lost some of my stuff. i just care that there is only one entrance and no safe zone which is messed up. I'm sorry for giving you guys a hard time i really am, and i admit i came about it all wrong. but before you add something new, you should make sure there are no side effects. this whole situation is a prime example. y'all added a jungle biome, and in doing so you made a big mistake. people don't like the fact that there is only one entrance and now safe zone, you saw that much for yourself. when you add something new, please make sure all of the kinks are worked out. i appreciate all the hard work you put into this server, and i am not undermining you in any way. i have nothing but respect for the admins that work to keep the server as great as it is. I'm simply saying that until there is a new safe zone, to please calm down on that spawn camping a bit. everyone obviously doesn't like it. i know what you guys were doing is within the rules and it was fair, but given what the circumstances were i just it was wrong of you guys to take advantage of the situation. i am sorry for giving you a hard time, and i apologize again for coming at this the wrong way. its just that it irritates me when people take advantage of a unfair situation. you can see where i am coming from right?


King of the north!
I told you repeatedly that a safe zone would be sorted out soon and that it was lars that set up that world like that, not me. I told you to stop causing trouble over this in ooc and you carried on and on and on. You also forget that I can see what you say in town chat and saying "I'm sick of this I'm putting him on the spot" is not a good background for a debate.

Also as for spawn camping, only one person was caught at spawn because alvice was afk for a while and happened to come back when that person entered so she held him up for a price. I wasn't even there, it was only when I came back to that world I found them there and killed him. So please, don't make accusations about situations you don't know about. The other people we killed in that world were down in there mines so I don't see where the problem with that is.

The fact is, people explained to you over and over about this and you just seemed to want to cause trouble. Then when you saw I was going to ban you, you started going "oh yeah just ban people when you know you are wrong" blah blah blah.

You're attitude is terrible and no I won't unban you yet, I'll decide when to unban you tomorrow but you aren't getting on tonight.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I think instead of going to ooc and causing a riot you should get some friends together to kill THEM for RP sake...


King ForumStalker
Or, if it really bothers you, send a PM to steel or make a suggestion about the safe zone on the forums, not spam the hell out of OOC.


Yea in all fairness I got killed by them and I didn't like it of course :p, but it was completely legit, and I apparantly said a bad word so I am banned too, but I know where both are coming from cause it sucks to lose your stuff, but such is the world of the medieval times :). Oh and steel sorry for the bad word, I wasn't aware of its severity in your guys countries.

alec goldstein

I think I might like it here
over the past few days I've been thinking about what happened. i am the one in the wrong here. i blew up over something insignificant. alvice and steel did nothing wrong. i am very sorry for giving both alvice and steel such a hard time about this. i guess my ban has become permanent. thank you hollow world for this chance to play on your server. it was a pleasure to make some friends on this great server.
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