Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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My character as normal woman



I am not sure to roleplay as Grief as normal woman but will be "reincarnation" which she may not remember her old life after her defeat, Her soul may remains around...

I thought I would call her "Seren Grief" if she tries remember what her first name was. *shrugs*

It will be my main account, does NOT use Grief's account, to avoid confusion :p however Grief can use my account, like I used her account, be fair and share lol *feels weird*

however Seren does NOT have any power nor evil being, she will be villager or farmer, innocent, may be fearful. she may NOT remember what happen in the past.

This was just my idea, I thought it would be interesting, I know I wanted to something different than Immortal being... I wish Grief's memories would stay :/ I did ask Naelwyn about this character before I start to roleplay or not. Don't blame him.

I already lost interest in roleplay but I may roleplay for little time whenever if I want. I heard they said playerbases are too small to roleplay :/

Since cherry told me, I can be hired for event roleplay such Harateth etc, depend what type of personals that I could act.

At the moment, Naelwyn and lore are having issues, I may have to wait until they are sorted it out *shrugs*

There is an issue. Having a surname "Grief" will be reacted by people easily... I don't think it will work well with me.

What do you think? agree or disagree? any questions? doesn't matter it's just worth a try.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
First of all I'd like to say that it's great that you will RP again (well only when you feel like it but still)

This idea sounds really fun but as you said it might confuse some people that her surname is ''Grief", especialy the new peeps who read the lore and don't know about you or your new char. of course you could come up with an idea why her surname is grief

But I'm wondering what will hapen if people tell about Grief to her, will she have some kind of break-down or maybe she'll go insane or will she just react as every other person "Well I'm happy she's gone now", of course that reaction will be IC cuz we all know you miss Grief OOC


Lord of Altera
it would be interesting to see who defends her and who hates here when word get out - *correction* - if word get out.
but the character seems interesting enough even on the premise of it being an incarnation.

I can safely say, my char will be defending her on the fact that she's human... unless she's elf then.... but yeah, i say go for it but i would possibly add that fragments of memories comeback, not as a whole but more along the lines of a sudden hatred or fear to whoever killed her or so forth. (i wasn't around so I'm clueless)


Lord of Altera
It's a part of our past, and if you want to use it, all the power to you. You and Grief are such a defining part of this server. If people have a problem with you using the surname Grief, then they'll have to deal with it. Grief is gone, but it doesn't mean that she is forgotten. Reminding us of the constant fear we lived in would be good. I love the idea.

(no sarcasm intended)


Seren can act still Grief as personal but very difficult to sound like Grief, her voice is smooth, no corrupted. She doesn't recognise any of people and she has no idea what happen to herself after she woke up and end up in Shallena temple (or museum look like building in jungle)

Seren's soul is Grief but her memories remains loss unless if Shallena removes Grief's memories of her old life and avoid from being evil and madness. Grief's original body is gone I think. Seren's body is known as Grief's past, normal woman before fell into dark and corrupt. Seren is not an immortal.

Seren could be suspicious but she is too innocent and don't do crime. Just an idea


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Make her smoke and she'll get a deeper voice, if you say that it's her body before she fell into the dakr and the corruption, do you mean that it's Sarah Griefs body?