Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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My character profile.


Name: Jacob Delvly
Nickname/Alias: jacker27
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Wood elf
Height: 6'2
Weight: 158
Hair: brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Olive
Identifying Marks: None
Appearance:A green tunic with a hood and arrows on my back at all times.
Strengths: Hunting and tree climbing
Weaknesses and fears: Death
Religion and cults:


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Just a few things, I know this looks like a rant, but I'm just trying to be helpful - don't eat me please! :)
Firstly, an Orc is not a playable race on the server, however - the "Earthspawn" is a playable race, and they are remarkably similar to the orcs in popular fiction, and RPGs. For more information about the Earthspawn race, click on this link to the Earthspawn Race Information from the Player's Handbook, which contains the Server Lore:
Secondly, lots of players on the server enjoy writing and reading character profiles, so like to see a bit of history or detail. If you don't want to write a backstory, you don't have to, but perhaps you could include details as to how he got his scar, more on his appearance (i.e. Posture, expression, how they move, what they usually wear/carry etc.), and information of how he acquired his strengths, and more specific details about them, for example - "He is skilled at fighting, preferably with a spear, as he was trained to use one from the age of 14, but is able to wield a dagger in close combat situations, if needed." Also, why did he learn to fight and hunt? Who taught him? Was it voluntary? Did he have problems learning them at first? When did he learn these skills?
Also, since Giants never appear on the server, you will want to consider adding some more weaknesses so you don't seem overpowered or invincible. Remember, a weakness can be anything from ignoring advice *nudge nudge* ;), an inability to swim, a fear of the dark, or having trouble fighting archers. Again - people like you to be specific and original! :)
Thirdly, if you need help choosing a religion or cult to follow, take a look at the list of gods and deities in Altera.
Here is another link! Be happy about it! :p
And profession? If your character can fight and hunt, perhaps a career in combat would be desirable? Or else trading meats, furs and pelts as a hunter. Again, be imaginative.
Again, sorry for the lecture, I'm just trying to be helpful... :rolleyes:


Just a few things, I know this looks like a rant, but I'm just trying to be helpful - don't eat me please! :)
Firstly, an Orc is not a playable race on the server, however - the "Earthspawn" is a playable race, and they are remarkably similar to the orcs in popular fiction, and RPGs. For more information about the Earthspawn race, click on this link to the Earthspawn Race Information from the Player's Handbook, which contains the Server Lore:
Secondly, lots of players on the server enjoy writing and reading character profiles, so like to see a bit of history or detail. If you don't want to write a backstory, you don't have to, but perhaps you could include details as to how he got his scar, more on his appearance (i.e. Posture, expression, how they move, what they usually wear/carry etc.), and information of how he acquired his strengths, and more specific details about them, for example - "He is skilled at fighting, preferably with a spear, as he was trained to use one from the age of 14, but is able to wield a dagger in close combat situations, if needed." Also, why did he learn to fight and hunt? Who taught him? Was it voluntary? Did he have problems learning them at first? When did he learn these skills?
Also, since Giants never appear on the server, you will want to consider adding some more weaknesses so you don't seem overpowered or invincible. Remember, a weakness can be anything from ignoring advice *nudge nudge* ;), an inability to swim, a fear of the dark, or having trouble fighting archers. Again - people like you to be specific and original! :)
Thirdly, if you need help choosing a religion or cult to follow, take a look at the list of gods and deities in Altera.
Here is another link! Be happy about it! :p
And profession? If your character can fight and hunt, perhaps a career in combat would be desirable? Or else trading meats, furs and pelts as a hunter. Again, be imaginative.
Again, sorry for the lecture, I'm just trying to be helpful... :rolleyes:
Thank you for this advice i havent been on this server for ages and it has changed a lot.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Yeah, there have been a load of changes made to the lore, and it's a lot more organised now. :)


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Awesome sauce :)
There are other new races too if you search around the players handbook. :p