Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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my misunderstanding with a tree


Lord of Timbervale
While I understand I'm new around here and may not know all the ins and outs of this server, but I just got banned for this issue until tomorrow. I have seen other ban issues with comments like 'why do people make a big deal about temp bans' so I dont want to make a big deal out of nothing but I did want to say something because I'm new and my name means alot to me

The reason I was unable to cut down the whole tree was because the rest of the tree lay in an area I was unable to cut in preventing me from finishing it. I do apologize about this and I probably should have just let a mod know. Just hate having a strike on my second day lol.​


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
I know I said come down hard on tree griefers but I think common sense says this is not a bannable offence unless they continue to ignore warnings.


We did a wave of 24h to get the message across. I think we should jail them in the future.