Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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My Quest to the Mortal World Part 2


Lord of Altera
Everywhere around Blue and I, there were these creatures with 2 long fins (legs?) with no scales. Those creatures had skin on their whole body, not just the upper half. Blue and I peeked up on the dock to get a better look at them.
"Blue, do you know what those are?" I whispered.
"No, but they speak the same language as us," Blue replied, " Should we ask where we are?"
"Sure, why don't we just say we're lost mermaids," I said sarcastically.
"Okay, I'll go tell them that," Blue said.
"Wait I wasn't serious!"
Blue dived into the water coming up to a rock she could sit on.
"Attention! My sister and I have come to this place by accident. Do any of you know where we are?" Blue shouted.
A moment of silence pasted throughout the crowd.
"Miss, you are in the Kingdom of Altera," shouted a mysterious man. "Have you come looking for your relative?"
"Relative? You mean there is another mermaid?" I asked
"Yes she came several months ago, lost as you are."
"We should go see her," Blue said, "and get some advice. Maybe she could help us."
To be continued........


King ForumStalker
Didn't need another thread for another part, just copy/paste this into the old thread and ill delete this thread.