Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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my un banning from teamspeak

Jeremy Dennis

Lord of Altera
Hey i was perma banned from teamspeak, im donating at least 10 bucks or up to 20, cause i love the server. Also if i could jsst have a second chance, u can ban me again if i do anything wrong, all im asking is jst a second chance.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
yes its derek.
We banned him for his massivle innappropriate usage of TS

Jeremy Dennis

Lord of Altera
Unnecessary....yes...funny...slightly, and why can't i be unbanned by the time i stopped being inapporpriate you guys were already going to different channels i didn't even talk. please all im asking is a second chance, i won't even talk u can mute me i jst miss the conversations their so funny and i love being in the conversation


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
You have one last chance. In future any bans from Teamspeak will result in a ban from the game.