Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Naval Call


Settling in Altera

The vessel rocked against the dock.
Emerging from this unknown and rather foreign ship titled the 'TCS Cladheart' was a retinue of white-uniformed sailors. They marched as one, and in orderly fashion. Clearly they either held high respect for their duty, or they wished not the punishment for acting out of conduct and regulations. As they filed off the ship one by one, a crimson uniform appeared. The Lord of Admirals stood at the precipice of ship and dock, gazing down upon the harbor. His eager eye swept across the civilians that wandered about, doing their day-to-day chores.
He slowly began to descend, where awaited twenty-five almost identically matching sailors. One held a hammer and a leather bag of nails, another held several parchments. The Lord of Admirals raised his hand to various locations, indicating where they shall post the parchment. Eagerly they nodded and rushed off, to do as they bid. As one by one each flier was nailed to a post, several peasants began to gaze upon. Some could read, some had others read it aloud.

The Commonwealth Royal Navy

To Captains and owners of all and any vessels,
By decree of the Lord of Admirals, Shu Jing of the Commonwealth, all Captains and ship-owners are welcome and encouraged to sign up for the Royal Navy. Those whom bring ships with them, to become one with the fleet, will be granted special privileges, including the rank of Captain. Your voice will become noticed and heard. You will receive free housing, equipment, ship repairs, docking and rations.
Join the Navy.
Serve the Commonwealth.
Become a Hero.


Lord of Altera
The only question I would be asking myself, both OOC and RP-wise, is who is the Commonwealth, and what is it serving... ;)
Is it some kind of noble mercenary armada?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
It.. was announced at the Council of Lords, if it was never spoken of again outside of that that's quite... funny to me. :p