Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Need Volunteers For Planned Event(s)


Lord of Altera
The title pretty much says it. For an upcoming event, I need some volunteers to play some earthspawn - hopefully I can get 8 volunteers for this one - and 2 assassins. You may use your own character for any of the parts, BE WARNED FOR I DO NOT GARANTEE YOU WILL COME OUT ALIVE ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE BEING AN ASSASSIN!!

Right, the formats are below.

Earthspawn Application
Supporting: Oguk II or Oglub
Do you need a skin?

Assassins ask for the format in pm please.

If you are wondering why assassins should apply in pm, it is so that I don't give away stuff to the meta-gamers out there.


Magus of Nothing
Name: Pointytooth
Age: He doesn't know.
Supporting: Oguk II or Oglub Never heard of these punies. Support himself.
Do you need a skin? No


Lord of Altera
Um, this works, the supporting part is just what side you'd fight for when the violent part of the first event happens.