Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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North Application [Accepted - Jase]


1. What is your Minecraft username?
(New players can only use one account to begin with, so please don't list any alt accounts. You can apply for an alt account after roleplaying for a decent amount of time here.)

2. How old are you?
(Please note that the minimum age to take part on the server is 14. Due to the era of the role play there are some more mature themes which may not be suitable for anyone younger. We can't be held responsible should you choose to lie about your age.)
3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?
(HollowWorld is an English speaking server. People from around the world are more than welcome to join us and take part provided that they do their best to use a good standard of written English both in game and on the forums. Timezones will help you figure out the best hours to meet people.)
4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?
(There, you can find information about how our server is run, as well as the playable races.)
5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
(It is important to understand what these terms are and why they are bannable offenses in any roleplaying community.)
metagaming: Using information received OOC in IC, for example killing someone IC because you heard OOC they may be trying to kill you, or getting revenge on someone using a new character.
powergaming: really unrealistic rp to make it work to your advantage, for example breaking through a wall to escape someone or pulling out a dagger that there is no way you would have..
6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
(This question goes for any method that can be used to unfairly find and mine ores.)
7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
(Introduce yourself! Tell us some of your hobbies, what kind of music you like, other games you play, maybe any pets you have. We're not asking for anything too personal, but we would like to get to know you a bit better to help the application and transition. This question needs to be a minimum of five sentences and not focused on Minecraft.)
without getting too personal im a student in wales currently working towards university next year, the last year ive not done much due to lockdown but it has gave me alot of time to plan for the future. Im a supporter of Wrexham FC and often travel to support my team across England, (hopefully one day europe!...well probably not but i like to dream!) in full honestly im not an overly active minecraft player but enjoy coming on when i can just to relax, hopefull that will be this server!
8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
(This question is optional. It does help us figure out where the majority of our players come from)

nobody refered me. ive been looking for a half decent rp server and just googled "minecraft roleplay server" and this was on the second page. could even say im a sort of "refugee" from a few toxic servers. honestly im just looking for a decent community.

About Your Character!
This section is about the character you intend to use once you join the server.We ask that new players follow these guidelines during this portion of the application:
  • Characters begin with basic skills and gear. No advanced armor or weaponry. Skills and abilities are appropriate to a novice level. Skills should be learned through roleplay, not through backstory.
  • Characters fit the lore. If you choose to play as a Moor Elf, for example, we expect appearance and details to be fitting with base lore.
  • Characters cannot use magic in any way. The test itself should not mention magic either. HollowWorld uses a restricted magic system and it is only accessible to those who find and learn from a teacher in-game.
  • Tests should not be violent. No murder, killing, death, torture. In the past, 8 out of 10 applications featured characters fighting off bandits or slaying passersby. We don't want to see how well you can script a fight scene. We want to see how well you can tell a story, how well you can roleplay.
  • Be creative and be original. Do not use tests/characters whose home villages were burned, parents murdered, and then set off to be an orphan assassin. It has been done before. Please don't do it again.
  • Written portion of the test is required to be a 400 word minimum. If the test doesn't meet the minimum, Staff may ask you to extend the test before the application is considered.
You can remove the guidelines above when you're copy and pasting the application. The instructions above are for you to read and can be removed when applying.

Current Setting of the Server:

The lands of Altera have long been laced with upheaval, supernatural turmoil that would threaten to shatter the realm or tear it asunder. Long, have the peoples of Altera withstood these tribulations, overcoming and persevering through the generations. Only too recently, have they settled the ire of Titans and Gods. Though the days were dark and long, the realm did survive, through tenacity and reverence. The memories of their trials behind them still fresh, the realm sits in a state of unease and angst . . . with eyes on the horizon.

In the skies above, the stars flicker and burn across the auburn colors of the setting sun, streaks of color in the gathering dark. The Realm of Altera awaits . . .


Character Name: Arthur Bernard
(Be mindful of the Medieval Fantasy theme when choosing your name.)

Character Age:
(Simple enough!)
Character Race:
(Have a look through our Playable Races! Here's a helpful Guide!)
(We just want to make sure things like hair color, eye color, skin color, and clothing is all fitting for the setting/lore we have.)
golden blonde hair, green eye colour, no facial hair, 3ft 10" tall, some missing tissue from his ear due to frostbite.
(Optional) Picture of the Skin:
(Attach a picture here if you have one. If you don't have an image, that's fine. Just make sure you describe it well in the appearance section.)

Written Test!
Arthur is sitting outside by the fire under the full moon, the first break he has had all day. He puts his snow covered gloves next to the flame and grabs a plate of stew, if you can call it that, and pulls out a small black notebook from his jacket and begins writing... "It has been a month since I last opened these pages, I didn't see any point as i honestly thought every day was my last; but now i know there is a reason I'm alive, the gods must have some plan for me, there's no other reason why I of all people have been chosen to live. It has been a brutal winter, of the 50 of us in the caravan at the end of summer only 12 remain. The old went first, their bodies just couldn't handle the cold. I wished we had killed would have been quick and painless. I've heard stories of how the cold kills, but they don't tell you about how their mind goes...they always seem to leave that bit out. The strongest are also gone, some went ahead looking for shelter and never came back, some died hunting. All the predators around us are hungry, they didn't stand a chance against them. A few of them disappeared in the night, I guess they thought we were done for and they had a better chance of making it without us.

The cold took her last night. The only thing I stil-" a few snowflakes drop onto the page and Arthur looks up *sigh* "A whole four minutes without we've had all day." He takes a few spoonful's of the stew, which is now cold and turns to his uncle, the camp cook. "What is this exactly?" his uncle staring into the darkness of the surrounding forest bluntly reply's "If I told you, you wouldn't eat it." with that Arthur thought it was time to finally end this long day and go to bed. as soon as his head hit the soft fabric in his caravan he instantly was out in a deep sleep...

"STAND AND FIGHT!" Arthurs eyes darted open, frozen still Arthur could only listen to the commotion outside. "DONT RUN! YOU WILL DI-" the voice of Arthur's uncle suddenly stopped. Arthur tried to scream but nothing came out, probably saving his life. Who was out there? another caravan desperate and starving? a pack of wolves? Arthur didn't move. Screaming voices was all he could here, some getting gradually more faint, some being cut off in an instant; and all Arthur did was cry, there was no way he was going out there, he knew he was being a coward but his body wouldn't let him even if he tried. The minutes went by which seemed like hours, until it was silent outside. For 10 minutes Arthur slowly brought his shaking body to the flap of his caravan and peered out. Nobody. He slowly climbed out, stepping into the fresh snow. He took a few steps to the now snow-covered firepit he was sitting at the night before. Again Nobody. And even more strangely, no bodies. Arthur stood there for a few minutes trying to compose himself until his halfling survival instinct kicked in. He checked all around the camp and couldnt find a soul. "What happened?" he said to himself. There was no footprints in the snow, no blood on the ground; it was like everyone just vanished. "I need to start moving." The horses were gone as well, so Arthur gathered the little food and extra clothing he could find from camp and started walking east, towards the rising sun.

The daylight went by fast, night was closing in and an exhausted Arthur knew he would die if he didn't find shelter fast. The weather had been kind with only a little snow but with the clouds chasing him he knew that was going to change. He did all he could do and pulled out a dice. "God. I don't know why you have kept me alive up until now...but please after all ive been through, don't let it end like this." he sighed and looked at the dice "If its even...I will survive!" he knew this wouldn't do any good, but if the roll was even then maybe it would give him the boost to push on a little further. "He cleared a bit of snow from the ground and dropped his dice. 6. Arthur squeezed the dice in his hand and tightened his eyes. A tear fell from his eye as he forced one foot in front of the other, walking further into the fog. His head began to fill with the memories throughout his life, some happy some sad. He began to think of her, and a small smile began to for-THUD- Arthur didn't realise but he had been walking with his eyes closed for about 200 meters and he walked right into the side of a wooden house. It took a solid 10 seconds for it to register but suddenly a jolt of energy went through his full body and his eyes widened "WAIT" he exclaimed. He ran to the front door and began to repeatedly bang on it. "Help!" he repeatedly shouted while banging. An old, tall woman opened the door with a look of horror on her face. "Child! what are you doing out in the cold, look at you!" Arthur was often confused with a child given his size, but he thought it would be to his advantage to go with it. The woman prepared two plates of food for him which he polished in a matter of minutes and also a hot sweet beverage he had never had before. "Can I have another?" Arthur asked, trying to put out a higher pitched voice to hide his true age. "Of course!" the woman replied. After his second drink and a hot bath, Arthur sat down next to the woman. She looked at him and squinted her eyes. "Your a halfling aren't you" "uh oh" Arthur thought, halflings went always welcomed in small towns like this. before he could get anything out the woman continued. "Don't worry, this town is more accepting than most. You are welcome here for as long as you need." Arthur Sighed with relief and after a few minutes the adrenaline in him finally wore off and he quickly fell into a deep sleep.

By the time Arthur woke up the sun was already high in the sky, he must have been out for at least 15 hours. He woke up in a bed with his clothes next to a fire on the wall. A few minutes went by then the room door slowly creaked open. "good morning. or should i say good afternoon. You must have been exhausted." Arthur smiled back at the woman. "Thank you, you saved my life and I am forever grateful. I would pay you if i could but-" The woman cut him off "I don't want to hear another word about repayment. I would not charge you for your life." the woman said sternly. "I will make you something to eat, you must be hungry. Come down when your ready." Once the door was closed Arthur got up and dressed. He thought why this woman was helping him so much, but wasn't about to complain. After eating and an hour of conversating with the woman Arthur stood up. "Thank you again for all you have done for me, but now i need to go. What is the way towards the town?" The woman gave him directions to the centre of town but pleaded with him. "Please you should stay longer, after the state I found you in yesterday you could use a few more days rest to get up to full strength" "Thank you" Arthur replied. "But i need to see if there is anymore survivors from my caravan, some could have came here." "I understand" the woman said back to him. "If you ever need shelter, don't be afraid to return." "Arthur smiled at the woman. "Thank you again." He gave the woman a kiss on the cheek and walked to the door, thinking what the next step in his journey will be.


"Something need doing?"
Queensport is a city, and is the capital of the Kaltreich. But seeing as you shouldn't know that-



I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

{ Join us on Discord }
..for easier access to answering your questions and joining our roleplay community.

Please make sure you follow our server rules!
  • If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.
  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
  • I'm your whitelist approver and a "PR Member." I'm here to help.