Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Of The Child


Lord of Altera
*a letter, written and placed on the crossroads bulletin, in scrawled, large handwriting*

"the child is an empty cup. will be what we fill it. thus, should fill it with happiness. joy. laughter.
to this, should be festivals. festivals to every god, from every town. should celebrations of life, from dawn to dusk, from mountain to sea. in this way, for long as it stays, the child will learn happiness. and be filled with happiness.

thus, the child can be happy.
- Salheira Rain-River


Lord of Altera
(this is entirely IC, based on IC knowledge gained legitimately. the letter is available ingame at the crossroads bulletin. there is also a fae translation.)


Lord of Altera
*Tybalt spots it as he pass by it on his way to get a drink*

{Why... Why would you want it to continue to learn about us, after it's already proven to be able to pull memories from our mind.... The god of knowledge has spoken already that it's something very dangerous....Altera is full of fools}


The Lurker
Retired Staff
(this is entirely IC, based on IC knowledge gained legitimately. the letter is available ingame at the crossroads bulletin. there is also a fae translation.)
:3 Glad our conversation proved insightful for Salheira.


Legend of Altera
*Walks by but pauses in his steps... Double taking* {Wot the- Does the she-deer no' realoize that it can read minds and memerize duh whole history o' a sword?! It's mind is gon' see violent t'ings and t'ings gonna turn ou' real badly...}

[ Purposefully bad grammar and do not take offence to the racist caparii term. ]


Lord of Altera
*Walks by but pauses in his steps... Double taking* {Wot the- Does the she-deer no' realoize that it can read minds and memerize duh whole history o' a sword?! It's mind is gon' see violent t'ings and t'ings gonna turn ou' real badly...}

[ Purposefully bad grammar and do not take offence to the racist caparii term. ]
((even MORE reason to give it a ton of festivals!
stop questioning me.
go party the hardest you've ever partied.))


Lord of Altera
((Party until you too are necro'd!))

even more unbelievable than the fact that nobody listened to my advice.
now you have a god of lies.
because you lied to the child.

what were you thinking.

we could have had a happy party god how about you listen to the caparii priestess next time you morans


Lord of Altera

even more unbelievable than the fact that nobody listened to my advice.
now you have a god of lies.
because you lied to the child.

what were you thinking.

we could have had a happy party god how about you listen to the caparii priestess next time you morans
Even more surprising
Nobody listened to the god of knowledge and let their heart strings get in the way, and let him kill the inhuman, fake /porcelain/ mimic of a child that was creepy as hell that everyone knew had the potential of killing half the Alterian population.