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Oh now I understand!

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Dain Blake

Oh okay, well my friend explained to me what an IP is and now I think I understand. I also went to the ict office, as that is the only place that I can go to seeing that I go to a boarding school, and they told me why this would happen. I got them to write this down for me ~Okay, well since we are a boarding school we share the same IP address throughout the whole school. We have a static IP ~by the way I don't know what this means :D - Dain Blake~which means that we have the same IP forever until we change it back to DHCP. We are currently having trouble and probably won't be fixed for a long time. So my little friend here, Dain, has told me what has happened and I just want to say it probably has nothing to do with him unless he created an entirely new account in the matter of days, oh and no boarders at our school are permitted to have credit, debit or any other type of card that contains money on it. So if the IP could be unbanned it would do great to everyone that goes to this school as a boarder, plays this 'minecraft' game and wants to join your 'server'. I think that was what it was called. Anyway I promise you first-hand that Dain would never do anything to cheat like others at our school would do, and this is a first-hand promise.~
Here are some pictures to prove that this letter is true.
Photo on 2011-11-15 at 16.14.jpgPhoto on 2011-11-15 at 16.15 #2.jpg
Oh and I'm sorry when I took the pictures it flipped them or something like that, a mirror image I think. I hope that this is no trouble.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
The letter may be a letter but that doent mean that the IT guys wrote it.

Firstly, if I had a letter from an IT department I would want it to look slightly more 'official'. I wouldnt expect a hand written note to be of such poor quality.
Secondly, a DCHP is to do with the assigning of IP adresses within a network internaly and has nothing to do with the outside world.
Thirdly an IT person would know what a server is and wouldn't need to put it in quotations. Also I assume "I that it was called" is meant to say "If that it was called". An IT person would not need to say that.

Oh and it would be easier if the photos were the right bloody way around.


<3 Hollow World

You popped up literally less than 24hours after this went through, either your school has posters up for Hollow World or you've had incredibly bad luck. We've had a lot of issues with players from that IP, Xray, lying and spamming. All I'll say is that in the interest of protecting the players on the server I've no intention of lifting the IP ban, regardless of who says you're a good boy.

Sorry but I just don't think it's worth the risk, hassle or time for us. Ironically a little honesty from Nuggets would have gone a long way towards his unbanning.

Dain Blake

Oh I'm really sorry about that I was in a rush and we met in a hallway and he tore out a piece of paper, okay and secondly the photos? yeah my camera is stupid like that and I couldn't get it to work.
Okay and well I would also like to add this in to it I have no idea what DCHP or anything like that means so don't go asking me anything like that please, I come from the out back with practically no technology, I have been playing minecraft for a while but I'm still a noob (just found out what that word meant laugh out loud). Anyway I would also like to add that I am not the same person that got banned and I do not deserve this. I have just joined and I put in A LOT of effort into my application (45 minutes). I don't think that I should be banned, however it is up to you as all I want is to be able to join the server. I have been told many times about how good this server and a lot of 'hey Dain have you joined yet?', 'Are we able to join yet cuz those day boys... They gat all the fun and we don't' and 'oh come on do they really have to be this stubborn?' -by the way I don't agree with this one. XD

Dain Blake

Nugget442? I know that kid. No-one likes him though, his parents died recently and that's when he came to our school. He lies A LOT and I don't really know him though, no-one does.
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