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Organized Heresy


Lord of Altera
may the Inquisition never see this thread.

so, since there's so many fake gods and heretics running around, I figured,

what if they joined forces.

thus, this is a census for all the filthy heretics of Altera to tell us about your fakey fake gods and how they have affected your life.

we'll make our own pantheon. and maybe later start a revolution or something.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Ah well-

No ones leading an Inquisition at the moment. If anyone wants to- That'd be lovely (And I'm more then happy to get'cha started/Brief you about a potential divine mandate).

Can't wait to see what you hereticals cook up~


is Barken
Ah well-

No ones leading an Inquisition at the moment. If anyone wants to- That'd be lovely (And I'm more then happy to get'cha started/Brief you about a potential divine mandate).

Can't wait to see what you hereticals cook up~
If I had a big enough support, and a support wall of some sort, I'd love nothing more.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
If I had a big enough support, and a support wall of some sort, I'd love nothing more.
Why not advertise these intentions? If such a group begins, I'll happily contact them with the divine-related stuff and make sure they know how the game works (Learned from last time, @MRPolo13 . Quite saddened with how the church was handled).


Lord of Altera
great. this discussion is kicking off.

this discussion is STILL about organizing the hereticals, not organizing the inquisition (organizing the inquisition is important, too). I could make another thread which is just a census of all characters with heretical beliefs, with no discussion. conversely, someone could advertise for characters to join an official Inquisition. we need to know who's in this.

I'd be happy to help with organizing the inquisition, as well, even if I am technically on the other side.

I'm so excited oh my god.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
It'd take me a while to summarise Norvägen beliefs easily, ergo I shall lovingly direct you to the link to the culture's lore in my signature - aim for the Philosophy section!


Lord of Altera
I of course, worship the goddess of red, redstone, blood, and passion, Vermella.

I'll make a post and put it in my signature eventually.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Why not advertise these intentions? If such a group begins, I'll happily contact them with the divine-related stuff and make sure they know how the game works
In that case is it possible for me to finally take my inquisition back and run it properly the way I wanted it to be? I never really got the chance to be honest and in the short time I did actually run the inquisition I got stuff done.


The Arbiter of the Gods
In that case is it possible for me to finally take my inquisition back and run it properly the way I wanted it to be? I never really got the chance to be honest and in the short time I did actually run the inquisition I got stuff done.
Not sure whether you're trying to insult me here or not Spear... sounds like it though.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
In that case is it possible for me to finally take my inquisition back and run it properly the way I wanted it to be? I never really got the chance to be honest and in the short time I did actually run the inquisition I got stuff done.
You can definitely try. If I see any such organization, I'll contact em


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Not sure whether you're trying to insult me here or not Spear... sounds like it though.
No It's just that I got to run the inquisition for like a few weeks before getting rules that were going to ruin the entire group forced on me by others which I wouldn't adhere to hence me leaving the server and leaving you the inquisition which then never had those rules enforced on it. I never got to lead my order as I wanted to which isn't to say you did it badly it was just never as I had envisioned it being.