Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Our glorious new throne hall

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Our architect Cubeydoom has unveiled her latest creation: The Karuk-Thol Throne Hall.

The hall was dug and built entirely legit. A grand task that took a week to dig. Thanks to all the generous people who helped us dig, and I'm sorry if I didn't catch you on one of the screenshots, I tried getting you all on it! I used cheater mod(it lights things up) to take some of the screenshots so I could get your names on it ;)

Scroll to the last screenshots to see the end results !


Lord of Altera
*looks through the pictures* Yay! Me and my hearts are in it!
*sees the pictures of the finished throne hall* *instant heart attack*


Real life redstone crafter
I'm not online that often and mostly locked up in the Tinkerers lab but when I saw this (when it wasn't even finished) mind = blown!

Great job you all! And especially Cubey for her dedicated work!
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