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Deceased Pascal Arrington


Lord of Altera
'i'm going to create the worst character for slavery ever and then make him run the organisation'

"There are no regrets. Just lessons."

Full Titles: Slave Trader
Rrrrichard Riversby
Max Appleby (M-Maximillian!)

Age: Indeterminate. Roughly middle-aged, though his lifestyle may have aged him beyond his years. [46]
Gender: It’s fairly easy to identify Pascal as male, although from a distance his nondescript clothing and hunched back may confuse some.
Race: Human
Social Status: Considered the lowest of the low in most of Altera.
Sexuality: ew
Height: Pascal stands slightly taller than most in Altera, but his hunched back and fervent manner may confuse some. Congenital scoliosis is the reason for this hunch. [6’3]
Weight: At most times flabby, especially around the middle. As of late, quite a bit thinner than he should be
Date of Birth: -
Date of Death: -
+ Killed by an unfortunate turn of events.
+ Froze to death in Aeroch Nor's ocean.
+ Sacrificed to the Grey Lady.

Homeland: Port Silver. Abandoned places. TBA.
Current Home: Travelling.

Build: The first thing of note would be his back. Due to his scoliosis, his back can’t support his weight properly and his shoulders are nearly always slouched over. To straighten his back can cause him pain, so Pascal is often seen moping around with his shoulders tilted forward. The curve of his spine is a slight ‘c’, about halfway down his back.
Hair: His scruff of hair is a dull, dark brown, and sits around his ears. It’s cut into rough chunks by Pascal himself, which shows. It’s never washed and always greasy. Beginning to recede.
Eyes: Plain brown as well. His eyebrows are heavy-set over his eyes, which gives him a bit of a squinty look. His gaze darts around quickly, and he tries to be always aware of his surroundings. This gives him a shifty look.
Skin: Rough and tan. His hands are calloused, used to work.
Identifying Marks: The abnormal curve of his back, his always-shifting gaze.

- A thin scar along his neck.
- Two scars from old stabs, on his stomach.
- Another stab wound on his inner thigh.
- Shoulder wound.
- Head wound.

Appearance: Pascal has a strong jaw, heavy set eyebrows, a crooked nose that looks like it’s been broken before and a receding hairline. He’s also usually very grubby, with grime on his face and hands.
None of his clothes match at all. He looks like a charity case, except dodgier. Tries to shake it up a bit with holey scarves and mismatched hats. In his effort to be unrecognisable, he has done the opposite.

Clothing: Tries to change it often in order to avoid recognition. Usually poor quality, thin clothing, with tears and smudges of grime. Can be all sorts of faded colours, with one-or-five pockets to keep stuff in.

While he is traveling- a drab grey coat that has seen much better days. Many pockets. Nondescript breeches (yes, breeches) that are very ill-fitting. Much too tight. Jangling of trinkets and coin when he walks makes being quiet difficult. Worn, black, knee-high boots, one with a gold buckle. The other presumably used to have one. A white shirt. Maybe. It's brown and stained now. A belt holds this all together, usually adorned with his precious longsword or whip.

Weaponry: Pascal is not good with bows, spears or things that require a true skill. Uses his weight as an advantage, when he can, but other than that he’d only use the following:

- One blunt, poor quality dagger, always on his person.
- A whip, attached to his belt. Usually only worn when he’s actively ordering slaves around n' stuff
- A stolen longsword

Prized Possessions: Generally tries not to become sentimentally attached to anything. He lives in a constant state of motion. These are the things vital to his survival.
- Longsword
- Slavery permit under Anhald. Signed by himself. A five-digit number scrawled across the back of it.
- A sack of coin. (Has since been hidden all over himself- pockets, shoes, anywhere. Sack is much smaller now. Grows ever more so.)

Hygiene: Atrocious
Nervous tics: -
Speech patterns: Stutters terribly, especially in stressful situations. Prone to repeating what others say.
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Lord of Altera


- Pascal has a quick mind.
- Fast decision making.
- As he’s been in the ‘business’ for several years, Pascal has learnt how to try to keep a low profile and other general slavethings
- Tends not to look into the past- at what would be regarded as his failures. Has no problem moving on, leaving others behind. Thinking about or being reminded of the past somewhat agitates him.

- People. They’re too unpredictable when not under his control.
- Those that know him, or of him. Being recognised is a terrible thing.
- Imprisonment.
- The gods.
- Growing older.

- An absolute coward.
- He’s never been trained in how to use a proper weapon.
- Not many, if anybody at all, would want to help him out of a sticky situation. He’s one of the most hated people around.
- Has grown confident.

Intelligence: Rather fast-thinking and logical, when his mind isn’t clouded with fear. In stressful situations, Pascal cannot think past fleeing.


- Common: Spoken, and crudely written.

- Slaver

Personality: Pascal was originally a very afraid and more caring person. Since losing his long-time friend Max, he’s had to harden up and do more of the grunt work himself.
As a result, Pascal is very paranoid- as he should be. Since his failed attempt at restoring the slaver’s group to its former glory, he’s become even more skittery and on-edge. Pascal is cruel, particularly with his slaves. He’s not above begging or grovelling to his superiors.
Pascal is a total coward, and will flee from any situation as soon as it turns sour.

Religion or Cults: His work isn’t the most holy of things, and neither is the man himself. Fears the Pantheon as a whole, because their power is greater than his.

Alignment: Chaotic evil

Short Term Goals:

+ Survive.

Long Term Goals:
+ Bring about the slavery business again.

+ Himself.
+ The business.

"Anger and pride will get you killed."
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Lord of Altera


Loved: Pascal is.. rather unlovable currently. He’s not close enough to anyone to love them, either.

Trusted: Trust does not come easily to Pascal.
+ Max
+ Corven
+ Jaclyn

Befriended: Pascal typically is only friends with those that’ve stuck around for long enough to be trusted.
+ Max

+ Corven
+ 'Angelo': Kind of smart. Kind of listens. Kind of ok.
+ Leila:
A soft target.

Unsure of:
+ Naya
+ Epithet
+ 'Angelo': Good luck.
+ Quays officials
+ Grafjell citizens

Wary of:
+ Everyone
+ Coaldust
+ Past slaves
+ Dominar
+ Cedric: That was too easy.
+ Dayter

Afraid of:
+ Epithet: .. How do they know you? What have you done?

+ Children
+ Tzemik: "What do you know?"
+ Dominar
+ Soren: Doesn't listen. Not smart. Doomed, as far as Pascal is concerned, but useful for now.

+ Jaclyn - Traitor
+ Samia
+ Jaden

+ Lillium: A figure from Pascal's past that he'd have been all too happy to forget.
+ Ashna

Updates: solus Deash12 CloakedReaper Cukie1 Michcat Delta_61251 Dominar @OtherGrafjellFolk



  • The slave trade
  • Peter Pettigrew
  • Frankenstein's Monster from Penny Dreadful
My in-game name is: Schadenfreudery
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object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
PasMax ;-; You're still alive! *cough* I mean nice profile ;') (Yea, I miss his fumblings)


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff

Cedric is smart, but so so nieve. He has a really bad habit of assuming everyone is as nice as he is.


Lord of Altera
Helllooo. He's still around- currently travelling to the North West of Altera. Updates inbound. Writing a backstory soon.
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