Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Please whitelist me.

1. Your Minecraft username: Albania_FTW
2. Your real name: Eldwin Neritani
3. Age: 12
4. Gender: male
5. Country: America

6.Yes I have, and I agree to do so again for the fun of it before signing into Hollow World.

7.I have a lot of experience in RPG's and MMORPG's, including World of Warcraft, Lord of Rings online, and some other RPG servers.

8. Hello, I am Eldwin Neritani, and my in game name is Albania_FTW. I have been playing Minecraft now since the beginning, and I loved every moment of it. My hobbies include basketball, soccer, track, Minecraft, gaming, and more. I am here because I am a fantasy lover. I love all kinds of fantasy; fantasy games, books, and many more. Role playing is my favorite things, and this seems like a cool thing to indulge into. I have had some recommendations for this server by YouTube, Google, and just friends talking about it. I will be having a fun time adventuring into the of Altera.

9.I wish I had the pictures, but they have all been griefed in the process, but you will be amazed at my pixel art.

10. Nothing other than I will be extremely excited if you allow me on your server.

11. I understand the consequences of it, but I am not worried because I do not use them myself, because they ruin the fun of the game.
