Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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well when you come to think of it if you were banned from a awesome server that you really want to come back on what would you do?
PLease please can i please come back on!
If i can I promise I won't ever lie hack or anything just PLease!


<3 Hollow World
You lied and cheated nugget, that's really not a good start to an appeal. It's already been turned down once, the decision lies with Sally but frankly she can take her time about this or close it without explanation as she's already ruled once that the ban stays.

You shot yourself in the foot by not coming clean straight away, if people read the other ban appeals the only chance you have is the come clean or prove you haven't used it somehow.


I dont think that I'll try because I know that I cheated, I lied, and it was all in under 5 days. I read a couple of others and all of them got rejected so I won't bother trying. Oh well for that short amount of wasted time.... Well it was a great experience at the time, and I really hope that one day I'll find a server almost as good as yours, oh well. I just... Oh I'm only a child You'll never accept me back in. It's good day from me....... Thank-you for your time of teaching me a lesson, I shall never do it again....... Oh and what a waste of paper, I knew I shouldn't have printed out the Tome of Citizenship. Bummer.
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