Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poetry by Babus

Ginger Beard

Lord of Altera
After my character found out about the death of Leminth, he stooped into a depressed state and began to write poetry. (I'm not trying to be creepy)


A soft breeze blows you hair
Silky smooth, white as a polar bear,

My sweet Lemon
my love was bestowed
she was to be my betrothed,

In my days up north
you were the fire that gave me warmth

@Lannis @Michcat @Deash12 @Bronaparte
*More poetry from Babus to come*


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Ginger Beard

Lord of Altera
A slightly OOC poem about "The Perfect Storm" event.

I arrived late with my son
we both did not know what was going on,
Then the entrance appeared
we stood there and rubbed our beards,

The maze had us crossed
and most of us were lost,
The corridors began to collapse
the hallways became deathtraps,

We found the children but with this came heavy cost
many people were star-crossed,
By Naelwyn’s fists
the unimaginable power that somehow exists,

We longed for the exit to this place
we thought we had to retrace,
I thought we were close the end
but that’s when the red haired woman shot me in the head​
@Naelwyn @Somnastra


Non sum qualis eram
A slightly OOC poem about "The Perfect Storm" event.

I arrived late with my son
we both did not know what was going on,
Then the entrance appeared
we stood there and rubbed our beards,

The maze had us crossed
and most of us were lost,
The corridors began to collapse
the hallways became deathtraps,

We found the children but with this came heavy cost
many people were star-crossed,
By Naelwyn’s fists
the unimaginable power that somehow exists,

We longed for the exit to this place
we thought we had to retrace,
I thought we were close the end
but that’s when the red haired woman shot me in the head​
@Naelwyn @Somnastra
*Humbly apologizes for accidentally oneshotting people when attempting to remove glowstone*

Ginger Beard

Lord of Altera
An IC poem about Babus' perspective during the Trial of Darko Tideborn...
I was unaware the trial started
In which I totally disregarded
I pulled out my flask which held a strong brew
Stumbling around, I found rangers, one young, one new,

I blatantly belted out for a drink,
The two of them looked away in a hurry
Both of them sly as a mink
Their heads were now buried,

A tall man came upstairs not appearing impressed
I began to be oppressed,
Carrying me around like a child
He treated me like I was from the wild,

I grew tired of the cold shoulder
Back at the court house, I again demanded for some ale
The man came back, he was my scolder
He threw me in a closet, it was my jail​

Ginger Beard

Lord of Altera
IC character poem of the injury today:

Starry night and I have a drink in my hand
Thoughts of you in my head and your law of the land,
Thinking of your face, my sweet, lemon
Until a blade presses on my back, poking through the linen,

A wiry lad by the name of Aewin,
Shaking me down with sword-like bobby pin,
Asking for coin, must’ve thought I was docile
I were to spend that money at the brothel,

Not as fast as I once was, I made my move
Tried bashing his head, thought my idea improved,
He moved back and thrust forward
I’m lucky I am not much shorter,

Slashed, but now patched up by Som herself
Why she is a quite beautiful elf,
Now up at the top, near of the old Silver Palace
Thinking of lemon, her beauty similar to the Aurora Borealis....​