Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poetry ( Technical Art )


Lord of Altera
So, I recently took up writing poetry again thanks to a confidence boost from some people so it goes here.

The Hunt:

Deer plays,
hunter stalks,
deer stops,
hunter takes aim,
deer falls,
day is done.


Drums strike,
trumpets blare,
piano keys jump,
trombones slide,
all peaks,
song ends.


Crickets chirp,
children sleep,
leaves rustle,
all is in peace.


Lord of Altera
Keep it up! I love writing and reading poetry, and it's not everyday you can read something beautifully unique like your work!


Lord of Altera
Suppose I'll start doing 3 a day or something of the sort. Enjoy these ones :D

The Storm:

Lightning strikes,
thunder breaks,
rain pours,
chaos reins.

A Battle:

Swords clang,
shields bash,
metals shrieks,
blood spills,
the victor is clear,
and the loser no more.


Darkness rules,
all is still,
infinitely cold yet the heat of the sun,
nothing lives,
nothing dies.


Lord of Altera
The Forest:

The air is damp and cool.
The light is bent through the leaves.
Blossoms fall from the trees.
Nothing disturbs the peace of such perfection.


Passion, light and strength.
Hot, striking, and fast.
Blazing, running, and ever consuming.
Nothing escapes the pure destruction.
But still life comes.
The space is cleared for young.
It is a double edged sword.


Ever there and ever secret.
It is all encompassing.
It matters like breath to some.
It is but a game to others.
No one escapes it.
No one wants to take it.
It takes an eternity to leave but a second to be captured.


Lord of Altera
I was gonna do poetry on the races but my delete key freaked out and destroyed it all...... There goes a good half hour of work. I'm going to kill this computer *twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch*