Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Port] Skara Brae


Moderating the herps & derps
Settlement Name: New Skara
Mayor: Koerhuisje
Deputy Mayors: Fencible , Scoobsy, Bettemus99
Current Wealth: ~20000 silver

Religion / Alignment: This town worships Canaan, God of the winged snakes. We are a neutral based city who offer help to all in need.

Daily Tax Rate: 20
Cheapest Plot Cost: free
Biggest Plot Cost: 10,000 (standard charge for bonus towny plots)

Description / Introduction:

The future:

The city aims to grow in power and wealth and become a well known trading port in all of altera.

Residents: Koerhuisje (Mayor), Scoobsy (Deputy mayor), Fencible (Deputy mayor), Bettemus99 (Deputy mayor),

We are happy to accept new residents, as long as they like living in snow, are friendly happy people and like to help out in the community.

Buildings Completed

Pub -Koerhuisje

Buildings in progress
Town center
Main road
Dock construction

Current building restrictions
No own farms
No own mine
Buildings are stricktly based on 1 theme only, so no own construction


Donate if you want to help in the future expansion of our glorious city.

Current events: