Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Portal Troubles


Lord of Altera
When the server kinda messed up and everyone got tp'ed to the hub, I was tp'ed into a portal. This caused a ton of messages to stream down the chat, saying "Already connecting to that server!"
When I try to chat, nothing happens. I press esc, nothing happens.
I had to mash buttons to get away from the Minecraft screen.
Help pls.


Because you are a fool for trying to enter Altera while server was down, I took times to rescue some of playerswho was stuck inside portal. I told everyone to NOT go portal until A word from me!

Unfortunately I can't connect the server ¬_¬


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Since been fixed.

If I'm on the forums, @Michcat me and I'm more then happy to sort out the server crashes :D