Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Upcoming [Private, by invitation] Nwalme tries to summon a mountain. The mountain he lives on. With fire


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme is doing some strange occult nonsense. Emmissaries are sent to his allies, client states, suzerainties, vassals, and other lands associated with or auxilliary to Sanardu.

(Mockingbay, Halbed and associated regions, Aelmere, Shink'maho)

These emmissaries ask that his dear friends arrive on [in character date that corresponds to OOC date], bringing with them casks of alcohol and as many tools of industry as they can. Picks, shovels, trowels, plant vases, anything that would involve manipulation of earth for normal alteran means.

The date is set for the 11th of December, sunday of next week, at 4pm EST.
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