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[Proclamation] A Notice of Abdication


The wrong.


To those many citizens and residents of Eldpoint, the surrounding lands, and the Kingdom of Aethel Deira at large, this is a news most serious in nature, and most serious in effect on the lives of all in the everyday. I, having untaken careful consideration and counsel from many around me, have decided it best to abdicate the throne of our new, burgeoning Kingdom, in favour of my daughter, in the coming weeks.
At first, Eldpoint was a continuation of Arget's legacy; a land marked by Silver Elves, and those rigid traditions and cultures. The great experiment we have now undertaken, however, is far beyond that once-small town. The city itself consists of many beyond those Arget caretakers, inhabited by dwarves, humans, Makani, and so many others, with traditions harkening back to many different lands, enrichening the tapestry of our people and growing those ancient traditions further still. Beyond the city, this great realm consists of so many of different faith and belief, all seeking to live by a motto of pursuing a better realm and continent for us all.
I have had the honour of leading these people, both in the city and this realm, for many years, now. It was not a role I expected to undertake, but one which has changed me as much as I have changed it, and although I believe there is much greatness we have achieved, it is also clear to me that for this Kingdom to last a thousand years more, it is important that those who lead it exist for the present, without being confined in thought to only the old ways. A combination of the old and new has served as the foundation of this realm, and so it shall serve as its leadership.
A coronation will be held in Eldpoint in the coming weeks, and until then I shall govern, ready to pass on the reins and the responsibility of our shared legacy to the next generation. I shall pursue my goals of rebuilding the hamlet in the Cerulean Expanse, and do all I can to ensure our new young queen will succeed in her role.
Allmother's Blessings to you all, and may wisdom guide you.
Silver King of Aethel Deira,
Count of Eldpoint & Lord of Forthyr's Rock