Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Project - Imlasdris


Loyal Servant of Altera
Minecraft Username: Thalion_Daugion

Name of Project: Imlasdris (Code name : Big Cheese)

Location of Project: (Either screen-shots, a link to the map or cords)

Size of the project: Imlasdris 150 X 100, Riversorrow 100 X 100.

Intention of the project: (builds will be public.) To create the Capital for Elves and a home for humble elves everywhere. (Also includes Hobbits / Half elven)

Reason for inability to claim plots personally: (Why is it unrealistic to claim yourselves?) Due to the size of the project and A normal town would never be able to claim the amount of plots needed.

Residents: (Who will live there after its completion?) Elves, Hobbits, Humans, Orcs, Thalion_Daugion, darkend_kyro, Sodiumsmotts, callumdeery, people of the nation Myrithas. and some other people. Also for it's Allys it would provide rooms for them too. So they would live there just not all the time.

Builders: (Who will help build the project?) Thalion_Daugion, Sodiumsmotts, callumdeery , And people paid to work and my slaves.

Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld? (I want a full reason, not "It will look good") This will be the capital of elves and a stunning views and sights also the detail into the buildings will be enough to wow anyone.

Used materials: Stone Half-Blocks, Gold Blocks (If allowed), Wood, Wood half blocks, stone bricks, stone, dirt, cobbestone, leaves, log 1 (oak), vines, log 2 (pine), sandstone, glass, glass panes, iron fence, woodern door, iron door, every colour of wool for carpets and sails for boats, fence, trapdoors and chests.

Inspiration: Lord Of The Rings, Rivendell, Lord Of The Rings Online, China, My painting, Heaven's Reach, Star Trek, Mordor and Karuk-Thol.

RP explanation/introduction: (I expect a nice, well thought out full length paragraph. I will litterally decline it for solely a bad RP section. Make it nice. If you arent the best story teller dont worry, as long as you made it obvious you put effort in, ill most likely grant it. Also feel free to ask me Lars or Fitz or any of the rolemasters for help) Built by Felrond Enrai as a refuge for the Elves as they fled destruction at the hands of the destroyers in PC 48, It begun as a temple to pray for peace but the number of elves flooding in made it a prime target for destroyers. So as Felrond Enrai got word of the movement he called the elves to start mining to collect as much stone as the could to put up a wall to try and stop the destroyers, but the destroyers came quicker than they thought, so as quickly as they could the elves ran for shelter in the mines they created, getting the few people who had weaponry Felrond called them to protect the entrance while they block themselves inside, the elves did so with pride and anger for the destroyers as they rained down on Imlasdris with a hail of arrows and rocks, the elves managed to run deep into the caves while Felrond and 40 others were blocking the entrance, But as all ways the destroyers destroy things... They blew open the wall of cobble and rocks slaughtering all they could but it was not over as at least 3 elves including our hero Felrond escaped while they were busy killing the others. As the destroyers and demons noticed the three elves running off the gave chase into the mines, the three elves caught up with the group of elves left but so did they... As everyone was fearing death and crying at the last moment a beam of light blinded everyone including the destroyers and there demons. All they could hear was the screams of demons and a slicing noise, as the light begun to fade they saw a group of paladins come to aid them and the High Paladin was able to warp them away into another dimension for he was a creator in disguise. Over 10,000 elves died at Imlasdris that day ( / night). Felrond Enrai died in PC 58. There is a rumour that there is a grave for every Elve under Imlasdris, And that is why they don't dig down. In PC 62 Thallasdor Daugion took charge of Imlasdris and also Imlasdris became a city and stronghold for paladins and elves, but as more and more hobbits came asking for a place to live, He started making hills for them to live in harmony and well hidden away from destroyers since hobbits are very valuable to the elves and the history of Altera. And In Pc 167 when Thallasdor died his son Thalion Took charge and till this day he still lives and is still the mayor of Imlasdris.
Planning: (If you've got any screenshots/sketches/proof of concepts, please put them here)

Please Note Sodium is head designer.Once he has finished A design or two I shall post them.

More to come just my drawing is terrible.

Links to previous work: (This can be either on hollowworld or other places. This is important, i expect some links.)

Addition information: Riversorrow's is the hobbit bit of the town, Look at the lore above for the info. It dose not give that much info but it gives a time of creation and why.