Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Bored Brit

Verum Illuminat et Veritas Praevalebilt.

The Pontifex cordially invites the faithful to hear his words and join him in praise of the one true God, Ignis Synnove.

-Priest/Priestess/Religious Leader: Maceo de Courtnay and Pierre Flanders.
-Public or Private: Public
-Temples or Shrines Involved: Knight's Haven Temple.
-Have you spoken with the town/region owners and are they aware of the risks to their region involved? Yep and Yep.

Where: Knight's Haven.
When: TBD
What: Part one in a three part sermon series.
Classification: Moderate for Pvp, but come at us with godly shenanigans.

[Note: This is not an event I expect to recieve Divine signs. This is simply Maceo trying to take on his duties as teacher of God's will]


Bored Brit
Weell that was from a time when I had PvP as an active means for RP combat, but then when I asked a staff, they said it may not be possible, I'll ask again though. Essentially, its moderate for all character vs character interactions. Whether its moderate for IG pvp mechanics relies on staff's involvement. You'd still need to ask permission for violence, as per the rules of the event classification.