Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Quentin's story: The Wanderer

Name: quentintheperson

Nickname/Alias: Quentin
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Race: Elve
Height: 5'3
Weight: 90 pounds
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Skin: Tanned
Identifying Marks: Burn on his hand
Appearance: Dark green Elve Archer clothes, Leather bands on his arms, Green Hood, quiver on his back.


When I was a youngin my parents where just settlers, looking for a place to make a village. When they found a clearing in the woods with a river flowing in between it. They set up there village there and before they knew it people were coming from everywhere to join them. Until one day our scouts spotted some ogers making camp not far from the village. We were just a new village with not many weapons we could never fight a camp full of ogers. We tried to hide, but it was only a matter of time before they found us. The day before we were going to leave they attacked. The ogers were smarter then we expected they knew about us before and were planning a attack, when they found out we were leaving the had to go through with the plans. Almost everyone died in that attack, most people fought back to protect there family's. My parents hid me in a old mine along with a few other kids, but they found us. We ran deep into the cave trying to hide from them. the other's ran as fast as they could, but at last there feet could not bring them any farther. I hid myself in a small hole where they couldn't get me, and i stay'd there for 2 days without water or food. When I finally came out i found the village in ashes, the world I knew was gone. When I tried to touch some of the rubble I burned my hand, i didn't have any bandages to heal it, so now it is a constant reminder of what happened there. I moved on quickly after that grabbing what i could find, just a canteen, some watermelon in the old farm, and my bow and arrows I hid in a tree.

moved fast to other villages, doing jobs for some food and water. One day when i was going through a village asking for jobs one man asked me, "Are your good on your feet?" I answered him "yes fasted person in the kingdom." "We'll see about that," he said, "I need you to check on a small village for me, my friend lives there and he hasn't contacted me in months." He pulled out a folded piece of paper, "here is a map to the village now get going." So I went ran straight there and what I found was terrible. The village was attacked by looters, many people were killed including his friend. The people still in the village were cleaning body's off the street.

I returned to the man with the news. He say'd thank you and reached into his pocket to pay me, but instead of pay he said, "Sorry I don't have any coins on me. How about i give you a job instead." "A real job?!" i asked excited that i won't have to do slave work for people any more. "Yes, pays not bad either you would be getting 5 coins for each job you do." "Thank you, thank you so much." "No problem kid, come to the castle tomorrow at seven, I'll get you set up."

It turns out he was the head messenger, Gavin. He sent me on many jobs and i did them the quickest of all the other messengers, in a short time I became his right hand man. We became good friends, he taught me how to make potions and how to fight a bit with a sword, and I taught him how to shoot a arrow. after a while he died from a plague going around the kingdom hundreds were dying because of it, i had to skip town if i wanted to live. Now i am just a wanderer living off Gavin's money that I took from him when he died. Only thing i can do know is look for a new life.