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Questioning someone else being warned

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Legend of Altera
Know that this may come as a surprise to some of you, but I was banned because I asked why someone else was warned for saying "Crap" in chat.

This seems amazingly short sighted, and just ... that's not even an MPAA "PG", or "G". That's an ESRB "EC" rating.
And, on your Whitelist application threads, you will turn down player applications, as this is a ...
Denied. Its a pg13 server so we will not tolerate language like that.
We aim for a T for Teen type environment according to the ESRB. Not only is it inappropriate, but it is also immature. Maturity is a big factor on this server, and will determine a lot of your reputation. said:
Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. said:
PG-13 — Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13. A PG-13 rating is a sterner warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the motion picture, as some material might not be suited for them. A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category. The theme of the motion picture by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although depictions of activities related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the motion picture. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence. A motion picture’s single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context. The Rating Board nevertheless may rate such a motion picture PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the motion picture is inconspicuous.
I had the opportunity to speak to JustShadow on the inconsistency in the rules, as reflected by different moderators and admins on the server, and we came to a general agreement that mods will view each rule and regulation as they understand them. I went on to tell him, and this is true, that as an admin, and lead mod on a few forums, I'd always have to reel mods in, and just make sure we are all being consistant, in order to not just breed confusion, and chaos to the community.

If someone is to be warned for saying "crap!" for falling down a hole, and dying, and I get banned for a day for questioning it, maybe it's time to maybe have an open community thread on the matter.

Then again, you could just dewhitelist me for being a free thinking human, and I'll be on my way.

As Zelda Williams said today, appropriately on Twitter ~
Zelda Williams said:
Speaking out will always engender disbelief, anger, resistance & criticism, but that doesn't mean silence is a better alternative.!/zeldawilliams/status/176762506981801987


Lord of Altera
I liked the mickey mouse.....But ppl do get banned sometimes just for speaking up for themselves/others :/


King ForumStalker
You may be right in your reasoning, but that doesnt mean questioning it was right in itself.

At the end of the day we class ourselves as PG 13 because of the ESRB online ratings, not because we use the ESRB's ratings or guidelines. The server has its own rules and if we say a word isnt allowed, it isnt allowed.

As to the punishment, unless it was repeated, a mute or jailtime or both would have been more appropriate, but since I wasnt there then I cant be sure that there isnt more to the story.


Unbanned. The rule is very simple. You don't swear, period.

Saying 'oh crap' or 'ah damnit' is not encouraged but also not punished. It's a maturity thing.

You're a good guy Ouren, but you are also very cheeky and you don't censor yourself when speaking about things. You also tend to make a joke out of things. You will state your opinion whenever you get a chance and will call out any inconsistency you think you see. While honesty is commendable, doing it like this will tick off a lot of people and annoy them. That's a simple social reality that every single human is a subject of.

While we try to put ourselves forward as a uniform moderator team you should also take into account the reality of a situation. There is no way with a million words that we can clearly define what kind of swear word is allowed and what's not, regardless of what's written on other website and rating regulations. It's about a general feeling. If you really had a concern about it you could have brought it up on the forums rather than ingame, simply because moderators get an attitude from a lot of players and someones good intentions can be misinterpreted as someone who is just being cheeky.


Also the tempban was because it was your third warning. The system works that on your third warning, it temp bans you.


Legend of Altera
Unbanned. The rule is very simple. You don't swear, period.

Saying 'oh crap' or 'ah damnit' is not encouraged but also not punished. It's a maturity thing.
So, when, just now people are saying use "crud" or "I use carp instead!"; in the context of using those words in the place of "crap", they are both being used as a "swear" and literally implying the word "crap".

I agree, it's a maturity thing. Mature, reasoned adults can handle words and take them at their face value, and look beyond them to hear what a person is actually saying.

There is no way with a million words that we can clearly define what kind of swear word is allowed and what's not, regardless of what's written on other website and rating regulations. It's about a general feeling. If you really had a concern about it you could have brought it up on the forums rather than ingame, simply because moderators get an attitude from a lot of players and someones good intentions can be misinterpreted as someone who is just being cheeky.
Certainly not, but in general there is an unspoken "tier based" system that just so happens to be sort of built into the way we all swear. "F***" being probably the strongest out of context, and "shucks" being the weakest out of context.


King ForumStalker
Edited, I understand you're trying to make a point, but please at least try to censor your swears next time.


Lord of Altera
I agree, it's a maturity thing. Mature, reasoned adults can handle words and take them at their face value, and look beyond them to hear what a person is actually saying.
But the problem is that not all of us are mature adults, or adults at all. It is the admins duty to not only protect the in-game society but also the players that don't wish to hear offensive words (which "crap" is to some people).


<3 Hollow World
Just because some of the player base are more mature than others, heck some of us are positively pensioners doesn't mean that we don't have a duty of care to the youngest person on the server - whomever that is.

This is a private server, whatever the High Kings say is law, that's debatable but until it's changed you have to follow it or look elsewhere to play Minecraft, all that the admins and moderators ask is that we all, collectively try to be polite and avoid swearing whenever possible. Everyone loses it now and then, that's forgivable but being warned for anything considered rude should be seen as that - a warning and you should take heed accordingly by not repeating it.

If any moderator considers a word to be rude they can act upon it, if they're wrong they'll get told off by those further up the food chain, but they do have to look after the youngest - they are the guardians of the community.


Loyal Servant of Altera
First off.. Halfmad, I miss you :(
Secondly... The server is yes, rated PG-13 simply to give reason for no cursing or profanities... The Admin/mod team aims to have mostly older mature players in our community and for the most part are successful.. They try to keep it mature yet PG-13 because in the case that happens quite often, that a, hmmm I don't know, 12 year old gets on with a really good application, and finds us all cursing.. And so if we have mature people on the server surrounding the occasional 12 year old.. We can still maintain a clean friendly server with well mannered and kind human beings... I am always one of the first to voice my opinion and even :p got in quite a bit of trouble with most of the admin/mod team for it once.. Do always feel free to voice your opinion but don't always try to persuade.. Sometimes it is better to just let someone know how you feel about something then to try to get them to see it your way... Just go out there and have fun on the server and if something you think is wrong pops up, go ahead and PM an Admin/Mod on forums... After all, that is what forums is here for ;)


I think I might like it here
Ive seen pg13 movies with half nudity in them ( be mature guys come on dont be pervs on this)
Also damn is a curse word yet is in movies as so pg13 and rated t game toney hawk pro skater 3
Hell is not a curse word at all.
My thinking is dont get me wrong
Think about like the lord of the rings
They say damn but nothing like (the word for a female dog)
If it would be used in the lord of the rings be assured you will be safe.
But keep the diss words to youre own mind like you b@***** were all friends on the server :D
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