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Deceased R.R. Niamh


A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff


Full name
Rhaenil Remaela Niamh

Formal Titles
Novahawk | Baroness | Apprentice
Fifteen years old.
Birth Date

27th of Winterfeast, 2260
Silver-Forest Elf mix with dominant Silver traits.
Sexual Orientation
Marital Status
Social Status
A somewhat high Noble, acquired through her Mother's title.
Current Residence
The Gilded Isle.
Ranger's Apprentice.


Her ballerina figure has strayed from its peak with the arduous training of an aspiring mercenary, granting her a fair bit of lean muscle.
An unintimidating 4'10 that won't be growing much more intimidating.
100 lbs of skin, bone, and subtle muscle.
Eye Color
The glinting silvery-blue of the Silver Elf.
The sun has brought a subtle tan upon pale white skin that is kept mostly-clean.
Facial Structure
Rhaenil maintains an oval-shaped baby-face with rounded features and large doe eyes.
Hair Color
A true platinum blonde that nears white in almost all lighting.
Hair Style
Rhaenil's hair is kept at even lengths, neatly groomed and maintained. These platinum locks flow to her hips with a subtle curl at the ends, and as an archer, this hair is more often than not kept bound in a high messy bun.
Her resting posture is rather relaxed, but she has trained been trained enough in numerous ways to adopt a proper posture when the time is necessary - whether that be during formal occasion or by use of the bow.
Her legs bring herself to be unsuspiciously brisk.
Rhaenil makes sure to bathe whenever it is convenient to do so, but she certainly holds no bother in dirtying her hands.
Distinguishing Features
As she grows, she begins to look more and more like her mother and aunt, Arianne and Arisha.
A fighter lacking in true experience, she possesses small and faint scars scattered about in obscure places, though with nothing of true note.
She possesses a light tongue typical of a young lady, although she may sometimes be deemed as one speaking too quickly.

Determined | Compassionate | Skeptical | Open-minded | Devoted | Witty
Cynical | Stubborn | Agitated | Underestimating
Bond over Blood | Loyalty | Skepticism | Liberty
Fire | Thunder | Assassinations | Splitting
Archery | Horseback Riding | Travelling | Seeking Animals | Training

{Mother Tongue} Elven|Fluent
Common Tongue |Fluent
Fae |Knowledgeable enough

Religious Inclination
Brought up in environments of Shalherana and Sallana, she harbors a respect for the goddesses, and has always taken a faint interest in Theodra, though with no pursuit.
Not quite the best.
General Attitude
Rhaenil is amiable enough, though she carries an ever-so-subtle aloofness about her in the company of strangers. She commonly is loose and down-to-earth in her persona with little hostility lest she is provoked.
General Intelligence
Rhaenil is fair in tongues and general intellect, but she possesses more wit than guile.
General Sociability
Regardless of disdain or discomfort, she is mostly amiable with all of those around her. Rhaenil keeps herself closed off to those she does not deem trustworthy.

Short-Term Goals
{~} Find Alustrum
{/} Improve swordsmanship
{/} Work with Axton

Long-Term Goals
{/} Seek Independence
{/} Seek Worth
{/} Seek Mastery
{...} Ranger.

Sleeping Habits
She tends to fall asleep early and wake up even earlier.
Eating Habits
Rhaenil gobbles down anything and everything on her plate, typically in a constant state of at least peckish.
Exercise Habits
She keeps herself lean and keen, particularly in cardio endurance through morning training periods.
Drinking Habits

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff

Thank you so much! BrianAT16

Rhaenil possesses plenty of elegant dresses of a noble lady, but currently wears clothing for convenient athletics.
+ Sleeveless dark green tunic, leather shorts and belt, leather bracers, and leather boots.

mmm leather
+ The dark gray and green Apprentice's cloak- now her most common public attire.
+ A simplistic oak recurve bow, given by Soul.
+ Various dirks of insignificance
+ A short sword, of which she still learns to wield properly.

+ Newly obtained crossbow, through funding from Soul.
+ Samuel the turtle - a lost soul Rhaenil and Kaavel rescued from the sewers under the impression they had saved Princessa Citrine Azerwind's turtle, when in reality they merely plucked a turtle from its home.
+ Siegmund - Soul's old and noble steed, previously belonging to Spirit, now given to Rhaenil to care for and learn with.
Owned Homes
Prized Possessions
+ Novahawk Band - The golden headband of the Novahawk Guild, bearing the celestial bird upon it; currently used in binding her hair to a ponytail.

Archery {6/10}
Rhaenil first joined the Novahawks and picked up the bow at the age of ten after a long-growing interest in the matter. She was told by Soul she possessed an almost natural knack in archery, and it has now become something she has devotes herself to through training with Soul, the company of Siegmund, or by herself. As but a youngling, she still has much to learn, and though she possesses experience and skill, she is more than far from mastery.
Horseback {5/10}
Soul initially taught her to ride with the help of the noble Siegmund, and she now spends nearly as much time with the horse as she does with her family. Her commands are sometimes clumsy, but she is at the very least accustomed to the task.
Hand-To-Hand {3/10}
Rhaenil knows the basics of carrying her weight and distributing attacks, but she far prefers the art of ranged combat, leaving her to neglect her hands more than she should.
Swordsmanship {2/10}
A craft picked up only recently as she elected to finally branch from the bow. She's plenty aware the pointy end must be stuck somewhere, but she is also plenty vulnerable at the hands of the experienced.

Favorite Place

Favorite Colors
Dark greens and cyans
Favorite Animals
Dog, rabbit
Favorite Food
s p i c e

{Bound in Blood}

{Mother} Arianne Niamh
{Aunt} Arisha Niamh
{Father} Albright Mor Dune

{The Treasured}

Arianne Niamh
Arisha Niamh

{The Trusted}

Soul Allister

{The Friendly}

Axton Frawly
Ayda Ralotumal
Kaavel Dramaign

{The Grey}

Alustrum Godfrey

{The Unsettling}

{The Foul}

{The Loathed}

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff

Bound in Blood
{Mother} Arianne Niamh

{Aunt} Arisha Niamh
{Father} Albright Mor Dune

The Treasured
Arianne Niamh [ Bobert ]

"I want to be just like you.. Guess I'm one step closer!"
Rhaenil's mother has been who she has stuck closest to. More than her treasured mother figure, Rhaenil looks up to Arianne as a model reference of the individual she desires to mature into. The split doesn't mean anything to her.
Arisha Niamh [ RagingLunacy ]
"Please don't get so sick again.."
Her mother's twin sister, Rhaenil finds Arisha to be her favorite - albeit only - aunt. She holds Arisha close to her heart as another gentle figure of guidance.

The Trusted

Soul Allister [ Spirit ]

"I'll be coming back for you, don't forget it! Glory Unyielding!"
Rhaenil has quickly grown attached to Soul throughout her training thus far. She feels deep appreciation for his welcoming her into the Novahawks, and intends to spend a good amount of her future striving for skill and success within the Guild, to honor it. Even though she has branched elsewhere, she will always give pieces of loyalty to the Captain.

The Friendly

Axton Frawly [ Lavilethorn ]
"This will be successful, I'm sure."
Rhaenil's official Ranger mentor, to whom she is pleased by. He has seemed capable of teaching her what is necessary to improve herself, and he generally is nice company!
Ayda Ralotumal [ Asirel Luik ]
"See? My kidnapping notion was achieved!"
Rhaenil's first loose sisterly figure- how quaint! Rhae took a liking to Ayda immediately upon meeting her, as they seem to share both humor and mindsets. There is also a passive gratitude directed toward Ayda, as she was the initial tie that directly connected to Ryder's Rangers.
Kaavel Dramaign [ Heie ]
"Adventure with me!~"
A newly-obtained companion within the Novahawk Guild, Rhaenil views Kaavel as an older sibling she must have escort her in her adventures, whether it be by compliance or the seizure of his hand.

The Grey

Alustrum Godfrey [ Lavilethorn ]
"I'd like to learn more.."
Rhaenil only met Alustrum once, and some part of her tells it is unlikely she will find him again for a long while; however, she had deeply valued the critique and assistance he gave her, and she desires to someday seek it out.
Caramel [ Spirit ]
"You're too loud and mouthy."
...An odd child- Rhaenil wouldn't expect a five-year-old to be so talkative, and.. interested in redstone of all things? She just hopes she won't be needing to babysit him too much in the future, because she has no idea how to talk with the kid. Leave that to Ayda.
Karn [ ironassassin ]
"You're confusing and a little creepy.. but I've never talked to someone like you."
Bearing absolutely no knowledge of Greylings until Karn's introduction, Rhaenil views Karn as someone so unheard of to her that she must try to learn from and of. His behavior is quite unnerving; however, she holds curiosity like a moth to a flame.
Ryder [ Azur ]
"Serious.. but you also seem to be relaxed."

Rhaenil hasn''t been able to gather much from her Sentinel yet, aside from the fact that he looks to be a perfect fit for the responsibility. She already looks up to him, and eagerly is anticipating what will be in store for the future.

The Unsettling

The Foul
The Loathed

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff
Sidenote being this is in need of quite a few updates..


Lord of Altera
I'm surprised Ember's not on here with everything that happened with her, Soul, Arianne, and Arisha. I had half expected her to be in one of the frowned-upon spots. I guess they just don't talk about her :3


A miserable little pile of secrets
Lore Staff
I'm surprised Ember's not on here with everything that happened with her, Soul, Arianne, and Arisha. I had half expected her to be in one of the frowned-upon spots. I guess they just don't talk about her :3
Haha, yeah, Rhae doesn't know much about that whole ordeal at all.