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Active [Ranger | Joseph Seeker]


Retired Staff


Essential Information:

Current Status: Relaxing in the peace ensuing after the Ivory King theater has come to a close in this fiendish war.

⊲Full Name: Joseph Seeker
Nickname(s): Joe, Mentor, Uncle, Nephew, Jojo, Boy
Ranger Warden (Link)
-’The Ranger’, Knighthood title given by Count Varyn. Not used in occasional introductions.
Mage (Link)
-Master Eviscist

Age: Twenties
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Bachelor
Height: 6’4"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Date of Birth: He does not know the exact day but knows that once Spring passes he ages one year.
Date of Death(s): Joseph has never died, despite having come close to it many times.
Current Home:
Stormhall, but he has many, many other residences.


Few are as expressive as Joseph; with even a base familiarity, it is easy to discern his thoughts and mood. In some eyes, this heart-on-sleeve nature can come across as incomplex and simple - an assessment he readily agrees is suitable for him. In tandem with his energetic animation, he is an unrelenting, loving man who keeps those around him in his mind. Any members of his guild are considered his kin upon initiation, and so, too, are most of his friends made in war included in his sense of brotherhood. This stems from his childhood and youth, which he spent by his lonesome, never possessing a personal definition of family or camaraderie. It is a firm belief of his that it's his responsibility to facilitate the creation of a loving community and family, and perhaps this is where the source of his care comes from. Suffice to say, he's sentimental.

There are many wounds the Ranger lives in spite of. Incomprehensible horrors, warfare, betrayal, threat to life and identity, and guilt haunt the man's soul. Beyond the mental and spiritual trauma, his body is marred healed injuries. The amount of punishment his body has received is beyond the threshold a normal mortal should go through during any lifetime. He lives in a state of chronic pain, and while not incapacitating, it is enough to urge him to find quiet rest when available. To this end, his life is suffused with his magic - he keeps his body at a stable equilibrium to mitigate his pain. Not many of these effects are notable, because Joseph so often do not wish to have them be notable, yet from these sources of trauma beget guilt, self-doubt, and anxiety.

As much as there is gloom that shadows his heart, there is a light which casts this shadow. His life is lived in spite of every setback, every loss, and every doubt. When he laughs, he laughs heartily. When he loves, he loves fiercely. When he rests, he rests soundly. The scars upon his mind and body are reminders; reminders of dread, but reminders of what can be taken away. Since he has been bestowed life, so it is that he will live it, and live it well. Joseph is under the impression his time on Altera is too short to wallow in misery, and all of his effort is placed in enjoying the blessings he has in life. Simply put, he persists by the virtue of gratitude - in gratitude, there lies much solace.



- The loss of friends.

Joseph values all those who support him and believes they are all that truly matter at the end of the day. He's a very sentimental man, that looks forward to just one more conversation with Podric, one more lesson with Jaden, one more metaphysics lecture from Niko, one more bout of shenanigans with Elizabeth, etc. The thought of these things never continuing frightens him, and throws him into moments of melancholy when reflected on for too long.

- Losing himself.

The thought of being someone that isn't himself is one of the more troubling fears he possesses. After an encounter with Know that robbed him all of his memories of everyone in the realm, he has come to the understanding that this fear has been realized once before. It is why he does not particularly enjoy the thought of someone tampering with his mind or soul, such as a Cogimens or Animancer.

- Past Sins

Much has been facilitated by his hand, words, and ideas. He has slain other mortals, interfered in divine plots, refuted and rebuked the pantheon, slain proto-gods, and done more. Some sins he has committed are recognized by the divine and their scriptures, whereas some of his sins he alone holds himself accountable to. Should he die, he questions himself if he has done more good than harm. Will he reunite with his close and loved ones in death, or will he be punished for his transgressions? This question goes unanswered, and so he has resolved he will ever only know after his death.

Other than that, there is nothing else Joseph fears. With time, he has conquered the following fears that plagued him in the past;


There's not a doubt in his mind he will die one day. In his bed surrounded by family and friends, on the field cold and alone, or even in some dark alleyway with a dagger in his spleen. Joseph is well acquainted with the suddenness of death, and its indiscriminate reaping. To him, death is but another step on the road. He will enjoy his time in Altera to the fullest, but rests easy, knowing there is a journey to be taken in the life after.


Joseph has already failed many, many times in his life. While he has won and achieved many victories, he has done this through repeated trials and errors. In the past, he had been afraid to make an error, but to err is to be human, and that brings a learning experience.

Losing his strength.

There is no doubt in his mind's eye that he will ever be useless. Missing limbs, muteness, deafness, loss of spellcasting - Joseph does not fear the loss of power. To the man, he has never had power; no, he believes he has only ever had strength. He knows he will grow old, he knows it is inevitable that he will become feeble. In weakness he began his life, and in weakness so, too, shall it end. Yet he holds on to the sentiment that he will always maintain a use for his beloved companions.

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Retired Staff

Jaden Seeker (Father) -
Regardless of blood, Jaden will always be the man I call Dad. He is the one who invited me into his family; I consider him to have been the most influential in shaping my life. Without him, I would not have the blessed, fortunate life I'm able to live. Should the world come crashing down on me, should every arrow and spear be directed at me, I know he will put himself between life and death to save me. There is no one else I trust more with my life; my health, defense, and well-being, too. The man gave me the world and doesn't expect anything in return -- a father, in the truest sense.

Otto von Sturmherz (The Storm Knight) -
Even if I haven't heard from Otto in a while, I consider this fine man to be my brother. Our bond was forged through camaraderie and blood, which beget friendship and merriment. He is a face I recall being beside me during some of the realm's most trying times. Strong. Determined.

Karsten Norheim (Ranger) -
This bear of a man came into my life like a cyclone, quickly becoming loved by the family we now share. Guild or not, he is my brother. The happiness he has found with Fern and his child elates me beyond belief. In most regards, he can be considered fierce; fiercely protective, fiercely loving, and fiercely loyal.

Podric Flanders (The Lightbringer) -
We were childhood friends in Amalfia, the town of my pre-adolescence youth. Through the years, our friendship has changed into a brotherhood. In my eyes, no one has changed and progressed as much as my dear brother. Though we might not have had much of an impact on one another, we have always been there for one another, side by side. I am as blessed as he, to have him in my life.

Reivos Po'Makani (Recruit) -
This particular Makani has found their way into my life; with humorous acts and words, and his bravery, I've come to embrace him. He is a most cherished friend, and even if he may not be a part of the guild anymore, I will treat this man as my brother.

Falken Shieldheart (Ranger) -

Hailing from the family that Jaden brought me into, this man treated me as one would a little brother. Without hesitance, he treated me as one of the guild and contributed much towards making the welcome feel all the warmer.

Damien Jaden Seeker (Nephew) -
A man I would almost consider to be my own son, in a way. He came into my life in the pursuit of arcane knowledge, and I can only hope I gave him that and much more. With unrelenting character and resolve, the trials and tribulations that Damien has endured impart to me a distinct sense of pride. Truly, he is my star pupil; a living example of everything I've attempted to cultivate in my own life. At times, I allow myself to be selfish enough to take pride in the contributions I've made in his life. He is my dear, dear nephew.

Eltsir Alcantra (Uncle) -
My one and only Uncle, and one of the most impactful role models in my life. His exuberance, joy, and humor are all things I've incorporated into myself. Other than Jaden, I do not believe there has been anyone more life-changing for me than my dear Uncle. His companionship, the way he educated me, his willingness to be there for me -- I do my best to replicate all of it for everyone I cherish. Jaden gave me the world, this man taught me to see and appreciate the beauty of it all, all while making me laugh.

Clement (Apprentice) -
Without a doubt, Damien and Clement are my two favorite pupils. I am confident in saying there has been no greater use of my effort, time, or knowledge than on Clement and Damien. I've watched Clement lose his found family-- his life more sorrowful and tragic than any story could hope to replicate. In spite of how haunted he is, he continues to impress me with his endless resilience, taking one step after the other in life. Even if he might not view me in the same way, I see Clement as family. Always.

Halvar Varyn (Recruit) -

There is much conflict I keep hidden inside myself whenever I'm around the young Varyn. Whenever I act charitably, generously, or protectively towards the younger man, there comes a pang of guilt and doubt in my chest. Without relenting, plagues me these questions: Am I using this boy to reconcile the guilt I have for my past shortcomings? To find forgiveness for being unable to guide his father as I should have? Who am I, to act in any familiar regard to him? Yet these doubts will not deter me. As long as this young man permits, I will be with him at his side, for my nepotism does not blind me to the merit he shows the guild.

[9/11/22] Pangs of sorrow tug and pull at my heart as I observe Halvar strain against the stress his spot in the guild places upon him. Harm has fallen upon my ranger-kin, one beyond the reach of Quill's healing and my alchemy. My eyes will be upon him, monitoring how he continues on; it is my hope those he trusts will be enough of a sanctuary for him to recover. There buds a sense of responsibility within my chest -- more and more often, I feel obligated to look out for the young man. When the dust settles, and his mind has recovered, I wish to let him know the extent of the pride his actions evoked in me.

Yrdl Haikaz (Shaman) -
This one has only shown me a fierce resolve to fulfill all of his obligations as a member of the guild. For this, and his camaraderie, he is my ranger-brother, and will have my utmost respect as a result. Many often accuse a strong heart of being a useless quality, or even equate it to being simple-minded and cliche; however, when I declare this man has one, I mean it in only the best of ways. I will never forget the care he expressed for me during our canoe ride, nor will I ever forget that fateful night when I recognized him - in full - as my brother.

Laicelem (Recruit) -
My first introduction to this ambitious elf wasn't face-to-face but through the complaints of another. Such is how my attention arrived on him, but when it did, I've only found a stalwart companion. The valor and strength he expressed in our battle with one another have not eluded my senses; no, and for that, I am glad and heartened to have the privilege to call him my guild-kin. When hell came crashing down, this man was at my back. When my life arrived at the brink of death, his intervention saved my life. When caught in the apex of our struggle, our minds linked as one. My gratitude and respect go with him, wherever he ventures.

Lysander (Junior Ranger) -
Sharp as a razor, even if his efforts in controlling his accent may have him come across as peculiar. In addition to his wit, he's courageous. From our conversations, and my observations, it's easy to tell he is petrified to face the obligations of his calling; however, there is valor in him that wins against all fear. He is a quiet young man, but I notice the elixirs and ointments left openly available for the guild, ones he has created. Perhaps it might be presumptuous of me, but I believe he has come to hold his guild-kin in fond regard. A new ranger-brother, one I view with pride - excited to see his continued growth.

Ater Impes (Family) -
Forever renowned and remembered in my mind for his sharp wit and humor, Ater was the metaphorical blood of our little family in the days when I first joined the guild. He healed and tended to us in more ways than with his needle and thread, looking out for us all. Tenacious, righteous, generous; every one of these describe the Sool I know as Ater. I hold nothing but gratitude and respect for this man.

Raalvara Edelmonte (Sister) -
Once tentatively a part of the guild, but now a flourishing Countess, Raalvara's life is a story of grit and determination. Her affection and friendship were not lost on me, which I was more than glad to return to her. Should she ever need aid once again, she will find me already there, by her side. Even after all of this time, guild or not, this woman is my sister.

Glynn Carpenter (The Brave) -
An affiliate of the guild, and family to me, Glynn's soul is kind and gentle. He, too, was one of the folks that welcomed me into the family. Part of me, when I reflect back on my adolescence, has the inkling that Glynn was a man who didn't think much of himself. When I get the chance to see him once again, I wish to affirm to him just how funny and heartwarming he was. Even in the midst of tragedies and hardships, he was able to make me forget about it and laugh.

Isabelle Maideen Belmont (Friend) -
As I stepped out from my pre-adolescence, this woman was there to greet me. Her comfort, care, and companionship are remembered fondly by me. There is a frustration I harbor for her weak will, and I only hope she takes her life by the reigns. Now, after all of this time, I regard her with uncertainty; vyreism, magic, depressed -- she has been through much, and I feel I do not know her as well as I once had.

Soul Allister Oakhold (Brother-In-Arms) -
Son of Spirit, a dear friend and comrade of my youth, my well-wishes follow you in all of your endeavors. I know not where you are, alive or dead, but the laughs and companionship you gave freely still linger in me, echoing in my mind. Often, when I reminisce on my earlier years, the thought of you pops up in the recollections of only the fondest of times.

Isca Tel'Avyr (Barista) -
My Uncle arranged for our meeting, on this I have no doubt. As I've spent time in your gracious, articulate company, I've begun to try and crack the puzzle behind his motivations. In order to do this, I've observed you in the times we've been in one another's company. Your mind and intellect are brilliant; a true and proper scholar, like my Uncle. For someone as hospitable as you, you seem lonely - more than understandable for one starting out their journey in the Landing. This is all in addition to your focus on being a physician, and there are normally two motivations for being a physician: to prove intellectual superiority, or driven by a compassionate heart. With all this in mind, it's my belief my Uncle wishes for us to be friends, and to drag you and I into a life filled with merry company. It's my hope you continue to hold me in your care, even in the face of my teasing, my dignified barista.

Reid (Brother) -

Harlow Thorne (Recruit) -

Guinevere Dugald (Friend) -

Cieren (Ranger) -

Som (Sentinel) -

Marian Olliran (Sentinel) -

Kharn Sicarus -

Bliss McGuffin
James McGuffin


Melarue (Friend) -

Katherine Kane
Charles Kane
Alison Kane
Brennard Westmay
Aleksandar Kane

Candice Kane
Wolfgang von Harrister
Jane Eisen / von Harrister

Alustrum (Old Mentor) -
I've forgiven you, and you've forgiven me. I doubt we will be as close as we once were, but I still reminisce, at times, of the memories I had under your watch. Godspeed, Godfrey.






Gael Von Dugald (x) -
Accomplished Master Eviscist of the past. Gael impacted Joseph's life in ways that affect him today, and he's glad to be serving alongside him with protecting Archon.

Kristoff (x) -
An Aspiring Eviscist, who now belongs only to memory. He wishes that he were there when the Dwarf needed him.

Benjamin (NPC Brother) -

Maceo (x) -
Whether Joseph respects Saint Mathieu or not matters little. His devotion to the Lightbringer is rarely paralleled.

Mother (x) -

Father (x) -

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Retired Staff

Titled "Joseph Seeker's Shittest Day" - By the greatest man alive, Vin.
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Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Joe why.

Why wouldn't you just finish the profile before!!!!!!!!!


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Why do you have so much art of your character :(
I am jealous


Retired Staff
Why do you have so much art of your character :(
I am jealous
i see a commission request and then i fill it out and forget all about it and then i'm surprised when I receive art, either that or Kamaoe is like,"Lol- I'll draw that."

and most of these are just surprises instead of commissions.
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professionally deranged
Retired Staff
I see a commission request and then I fill it out and forget all about it and then I'm surprised when I receive art, either that or Kamaoe is like,"Lol- I'll draw that."

Oh yeah- and like. . most of these are just surprises instead of commissions.
No one surprises me with art ;( Guess I'm the outcast uncle