Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Rayna's son


Loyal Servant of Altera
MyStyle (4).jpg
This is what he looks like. Imagine him around three to four years old.

In need of a person to make a character for Reihnalt Nirtithan[can be an alt or main]. We do need someone who is active. [can't have inactive children]

Reihnalt Nirtithan is the son of Desarayna and Draxos Nirtithan.

Some important things to know-
He is distrustful of humans.

The first thing you saw when you were born was Draxos' scarred face, so scarred people might not scare you too much, unless they are human.

Draxos and Rayna will try to raise you to be a peaceful person, so if you are not into that kind of stuff[writing, cuteness, drawing, cooking, anything creative, making crazy paper constructs] then I suggest turning back now.

Character description-
*A small Forest Elf who looks to be about four to five years old. He has kind Green eyes with a hint of Silver in the middle. His skin, brown and flawless and his ears, pointing diagonal. He has a brown cloak over his Green vest and light green shirt. The brown cloak would have no hood on it.
P.S. You might need to rp a baby for two weeks