Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Realistic Longsword Dueling


Lord of Altera
Oh wow... this takes me back~

These are a bunch of videos from WMAW, Western Martial Arts Workshop, it's the biggest event of its kind in the world. Historical recreationists from all over the world get together to practice their technique, learn new ones, and discuss historical texts. It's incredibly fun to attend and things learn here are very useful in combat. These videos accurately depict historical fighting techniques.

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The vids from 2002 aren't up anymore, so you won't be able to see me sword fighting :(
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Ohdeargod I've wanted realistic longsword fighting to be a thing in roleplay but too many people are focused on dodges and cool moves for techniques to realistically happen. (I admit I have been one of those people. Working on it. ;-;)


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Unrelated but similarly interesting!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah, as I said, it's impossible to RP fighting properly. There is too much turn-based action.
Having said that, the first video is the idealised version of all stances and moves developed deeply into renaissance. Also, in a real combat situation there is hardly anyone that would use the moves taught. Adrenaline hits in and it's pretty hard to keep your flow. It's not a sport, it's an attempt to kill the opponent, and you don't get extra points for fancy moves. Nevertheless, unarmoured sword fights usually lasted up to ten seconds. Anything past that and both opponents got extremely tired (since unarmoured, you throw literally everything you have. It rips muscles to shreds...)

As for the Viking fighting, I don't feel the shield is used as much as it could potentially be. I saw a wonderful video explaining the importance of shield use in Viking era.

That'd be the lecture.


Lord of Altera
Medieval fighting was savage, it wasnt just swords and parrying. They were /killing/ eachother. They would grapple, stand on eachothers foot. And people underestimate the power of polearms.
This dude isnt even a spear expert.


Puppycat Herder
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Retired Owner
I will be watching every single one of these videos very soon~