Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Reapplication] PhantomWarrior12 [Full Application Needed - Somnastra]

IG Name: PhantomWarrior12
Any Alts: No I don't have any alternate accounts.
Time gone: 10-11 months
Character Name: Adam Fletcher
-Yes I understand that my character would have not gained any experience, skills or knowledge during my absence.
-I am making sure to re-read the Tome of Citizenship and any recent announcements while I wait for my re-application to be replied to.

-Side Note-
I have been away for an extended period of time because the last year of my education has been very stressful and has had lots of steep curves and changes. This has prevented me from playing Minecraft in general. But now that my final year of education has been finished, I hope to catch up and re-join everyone in the RP server.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Hi there! Because you've been gone longer that 6 months, we ask that you make the full application again. A lot has changed, and we want to make sure you're up to speed. Thank you!