Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Renatun horse sale


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Been out of business for a while as I've been away and on my laptop so unable to see stats so time to make it up to anyone I kept waiting and everyone else besides! Especially with the new cost for travel nows the best time to invest in a properly bred Fast horse.

Scrapping the usual pricing for the horses and just going with Speed x 20 rads.
For example the fastest horse on the server (not actually for sale just example) would be 14.3 x 20
so 2860 Radiants.

Don't believe our horses are fast? Race me. I dare you ;P


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
A certain ex-Ranger is in the market- Can we RP soon? :)


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Zyins hud + forge I use but there's other mods out there to do it too. Or just ask me to come evaluate horses and pay my travel =L