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Deceased [Revenant] Niah Kane


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
Pfft. Yeah, no. Niah's not crazy in the least. She's my little scheming hooker. Well, not really a hooker. I call her that in an endearing way.
If you have a big enough purse she would indeed happily be a hooker. Don't lie. :p


Daedric Prince
Probably a perfect explanation for her on the outside, but you'd be surprise to find out what she could be really like :p


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Wooooo! I updated a thing. I updated the "Story Thus Far" post which is under the art. Niah has taken a break from the Inn, moving down to a certain training camp in the middle of the forest. Finds herself playing games of dares and questions. Laughing more and scheming less. And so! I have written a thing! I wrote it in like 30 minutes and tense changes are god awful. Ohwell.


Complacency is a dangerous thing. It is the cunning delusion that contentment is enough. It is the lie that the weak settle for when their ambitions do not reach far enough. And for Niah Dacar, she sees herself at the precipice of that trap.

Much has changed, that is to be sure. She has met kings and queens. Dined and danced with nobility. She has been offered the world by more than one, each offer as promising as the last. Niah has seen great wonder and magic, feats that equally terrified and fascinated her. She has taken to travelling some, now staying in a wooded encampment during her departures from Vigil’s Rest. During her stays she can’t help but wonder… Am I growing weak?

She sits curled upon a bench by a dull campfire, dappled morning light dotting the fabric of her sleeve. Each fleck dancing slightly as the leaves of the giant tree sway to the wind. In her idle moments, she remembers Vanaque. The mind games and manipulations. The sheer pleasure of seeing the woman hanging off her every word, watching every movement. Where has that Niah gone? Buried- Buried under Godric’s sense of honor. But what of that Niah? The one who saw greatness in the man, and aimed to rise above petty mind games? The Niah who traveled Altera to experience wonder and security? Overtaken- Overtaken by overwhelming affection for Alistair Kane and blinded by a love she cannot comprehend.

Wiping her sleeve as if to sweep away the light, Niah frowns lightly. Thoughts drift into her mind as she begins to wonder who she was becoming now? Off in some forest encampment, living similarly to the way she used to. Similar to the childhood she abhorred. Why? Why was she doing it, when she could just go back to the inn? It was true that her newest person of interest had influence. Money. And allies she could only dream to have. But at what cost?

There was a fear of complacency. A fear that created a vaulting pit in her stomach, a pit that Niah suspected no escape was possible. It was possible she was doing it because Aewin amused her and she enjoyed his company. But that just wouldn’t do. Where would that get her? She has even told herself staying in the encampment was beneficial because of the other residents and visitors. But…. That is not enough.

She needs more. Standing from the bench, she snakes her way back to the room carved into the tree’s base. Falling back onto the cot, she stares upwards with one thought in mind. I'm slipping and I cannot have that.
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Drew this on bigass canvas, this here's a composite of my attempt to scan it properly.[/spoiler