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robertbertrob's unban

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Lord of Altera
I'm not going to make some lame exude like "Oh that wasn't me it was my brother" or "My account was hacked!" No it was purely me and I'm so sorry for my actions and sally please, please, please exude my rudeness and my stupidity and please unban me I love this server and I don't ever want to not be back on it again! I would love one more chance to play on this lovely server again! Please!


King ForumStalker
Moved to the appropriate section.

Since Sally is no longer on the server as far as I am aware, the moderating community will judge your unbanning appeal.


Lord of Altera
From what i can remeber you had an argument with sally over something (no idea what), but you ended up calling her a "bitch" or something along those lines and thats why sally banned you.


Lord of Altera
foul language against a moderator results in a temp-ban, but if it continues it goes into a permaban. Im only a moderator, but ill give you a second chance. anyone oppose to this?


King of the north!
He was banned for griefing aurolus apparently. Lava and stone bricks everywhere and breaking into peoples houses.


True Bandit
robertbertrob No you're a bitch SallyPirate 17 Feb, 2012 12:13am Permanent

That was the reason from the banlist, so what he says is likely to be correct.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
No, he CANNOT be unbanned. I litterally spent three hours rolling back all of the grief he did ALL over aurolus. Maybe 5 dozen lava blocks, entire houses destroyed items stolen etc etc. Tbh his grief is the worst ive seen on the server, and ive been here for awhile...
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