Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Roleplay Request


The Mogul of Cromarcky
As some if you know, I've been trying to ease myself back into roleplaying again. Unfortunately I've been having trouble doing so, part of which I believe comes from not having reliable players to regularly rp with.

To that end, I'm requesting a rp partner. I'd like to have someone play either a underling/butler-like role, a close friend, or a possible romantic companion. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors I have to be a bit particular about potential applicants. Basically, I will highly favor someone with the following:

- this character be your main

- to be a new character

- if it has to be an already existing character, to have as few political/organizational ties as possible.

- my schedule with work only gives me mornings and late nights, so I'd need your schedule to work with that.

These requested points will more than likely make it difficult to find someone and I fully understand that. I'm doubtful I will find a match, but since I've done this before with a decent level of success, I figured I'd try it anyway.


Lord of Altera
As some if you know, I've been trying to ease myself back into roleplaying again. Unfortunately I've been having trouble doing so, part of which I believe comes from not having reliable players to regularly rp with.

To that end, I'm requesting a rp partner. I'd like to have someone play either a underling/butler-like role, a close friend, or a possible romantic companion. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors I have to be a bit particular about potential applicants. Basically, I will highly favor someone with the following:

- this character be your main

- to be a new character

- if it has to be an already existing character, to have as few political/organizational ties as possible.

- my schedule with work only gives me mornings and late nights, so I'd need your schedule to work with that.

These requested points will more than likely make it difficult to find someone and I fully understand that. I'm doubtful I will find a match, but since I've done this before with a decent level of success, I figured I'd try it anyway.
I would, but im /slightly/ busy on my own... :S


The Mogul of Cromarcky
If that waggle is denoting your interest then feel free to pm me some details.

Also, if anyone has ideas for character tie ins that don't fit the things I've mentioned, talk to me about it anyway. We might can still work something out.


Roleplay keeper
.... I was thinking friend. I have a Norwégan male character, a Chandler. He's 19 years old, though still kinda boyish.
Awfully polite, probably would be your best buddy if ya' needed him :p


The Mogul of Cromarcky
sounds interesting, if you'd like to pm me with some details concerning how you'd like to meet up, what goals you have in mind, and anything else you think we'd need to discuss I'll be happy to discuss it.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
*Absolutely definitely does not mention any ratios whatsoever*

Also, I do believe this thread looks familiar.
Ah, you may try to forget about the ratio, but the ratio will never forget about you.

and indeed it is, though this has a very different purpose. My last one I needed a very specific individual to essentially be entirely devoted to Marcus Helix because I needed someone to trust very sensitive info with. This one is more giving me a reason to come and regularly roleplay. The wish for new characters or characters with few political/organizational ties is simply to not have to force my character into their organization, or worse yet have to fight for roleplay time against it.


Lord of House Hawklight
This isn't totally relevant to the thread, but you're welcome to visit Axex in Hierax if you ever want decent conversation.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
If you're interested in a female character (And a possible romantic interest if you want) I have Thyia, the Caparii who could interest you.
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is Barken
Ah, you may try to forget about the ratio, but the ratio will never forget about you.

and indeed it is, though this has a very different purpose. My last one I needed a very specific individual to essentially be entirely devoted to Marcus Helix because I needed someone to trust very sensitive info with. This one is more giving me a reason to come and regularly roleplay. The wish for new characters or characters with few political/organizational ties is simply to not have to force my character into their organization, or worse yet have to fight for roleplay time against it.