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Active Ronak Rothguard


Lord of Altera
Anything else, I reckon should be found out through RP in game. Not everything should be available to find out on the fourms! :p

General Information:

Name: Ronak Rothguard
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Current Residence: His home and smithy on Astrum
Relationship Status: Complicated...
Social Status: Seemingly well liked

Physical Appearance:

Height: 4"8
Weight: 145lbs
Eye Color: Dark Green
Skin Color: Pale-ish
Build of Body: Stout and strong
Hair Color: Dark Grey, almost Black
Hair Style: Casually messy
Age: Early sixties
Complexion: Average
Is Seen By Others As: Someone they can rely on, which pleases him greatly.
Scars: Unknown, aside from the scars on his chin that are pretty visible and a lightning bolt scar around his right eye, that snakes down to his neck.
Voice: Deep and booming, like a bell in every tooth


Likes: Sweet foods, his friends, ale

Dislikes: Ale, making new friends, his friends coming to harm, Llamas, horses, coffee


Strong Headed: When he finds something he has a passion in, he'll devote everything he has to it
Keeps Moving Forwards: Generally doesn't care if something negative comes his way, big or small.
Protective Spirit: Fights fiercely for his true friends, willing to put them before himself in most scenarios.
Optimistic For Others: No matter the scenario, he can usually find a way to show someone the bright side of it

Prideful: He will usually refuse help, regardless of the scenario, even if he knows there's nothing he can do himself, because he refuses to be seen as helpless or weak.
Not One for Jokes: Apparently, couldn't tell a joke to save his life. He tends to upset people, so he tries to avoid telling many jokes.
Growing Colder: In recent times, he's found that he's less willing to help others, after being abandoned by those he knew during dark times of his life.

Fears: [To be found out IC. Will be posted once a few people know]
Values: His family and true friends above all else. Then, those who are in need and deserve help. His life comes next, and he has nothing else to value after that.
Education: As he's gone on through the years, he's learnt a lot, both in
Languages: Common, Horgaahn, Elven, Astremian, Aori.
General Attitude: Bitterly jovial
Religious Inclination: Doesn't consider religion worth contemplating, but does speak well of Korog.
General Intelligence: Average
General Sociability: Awkwardly sociable
Alignment: Neutral Good

Short Term Goals:
Make himself a better set of Axes.
Make himself an even better set of Axes.
Become a good enough smith to maintain equipment
Meet a few more people - Done!

Get off of Astrum and meet more people.
Get enough money to buy back what was broken in an accident
Recover his memories. All of them.
Learn how to brew potions
Learn the basics of enchanting
Acquire more books
Help his friends through their problems

Long Term Goals:
[To be found out IC. Will be posted once a few people know]
To become a brilliant smith
Find a reason to be alive
Protect his reason to live - Ongoing
Learn Elvish. He's tired of not knowing half of what goes on in the conversations around him. - Ongoing
Learn all the languages. He's now interested in the writing too, but he's sick of not understanding conversations around him. - Barely Started
Discover how to forge the Tempered Steel he's heard so much of.
Destroy Jishrims followers
Save all the children. All of them.

Possessions: An Axe and his freshly forged full tempered steel platemail he made himself. He also has four iron throwing axes, a steel bearded battleaxe and full leather armour, with minor metal plating to protect the knees and elbows, although that doesn't see much use anymore.

Wardrobe: Finally has a two more shirts and a two more pairs of trousers. Has one fairly nice blue shirt that he wears on a fancy occasion.

Jewelry: None

Pets/Animals: His pet Bird, named Berd - Deceased Saxum, a large goat - Deceased.

Owned Homes: His House/Smithy on the Astrum Isles, which has since been abandoned since it was raided. A room in the Storms Landing Guards Keep, and a house and smithy in Verdant Valley.

Carried Inventory: His pair of Crowsbeak Axes, his three throwing axes, a short spear and a steel tower shield.He also almost always has a backpack filled with random useful tidbits, with a general maintenance kit for weaponry and armour inside. Also generally carries dried flowers in a pouch inside the backpack.

General Inventory: He now has a decent smithing hammer. He also has a nice book of poems and drawings, gifted to him by Rai, a few drawings he bought from a child called Maple, now his daughter.

Treasured/Special Items:
A lovely green journal, with an amber leaf on the spine and front cover.
An ebony ink pot and an expensive looking white quill pen, gifted to him by Phi, which he later discovered was stolen.
A long completed Elven Codex, filled with words he knows and more he's added since, gifted to him by Leilatha and Cecily.
A few charcoal drawings made by a child.

General Wealth: Modestly poor.

Injuries: Still healing rib fractures, a lovely mottled purple bruise on his shoulder and a scab on his forehead
Sleeping Habits: Sleep? What's sleep? Once every three days or so, give or take.
Energy Levels: Energetic, until the fifth sleepless day hits him.
Eating Habits: He's never actually seen to be eating. Strange.
Exercise Habits: Well, smithing is pretty intense exercise, and he walks everywhere he can.
Memory: [To be found out IC. Will be posted once a few people know] Those who do know him well know that it is exceptionally poor.
Drinking Habits: Daily drinker for the sake of drinking


[To be found out IC. Will be posted once a few people know]


Peaceful or violent: As of late, he's become much more peace loving, however that switch flips quickly when violence towards another is involved.

Weaponry: Always has a main hand steel Crowsbeak hatchet, and another one for his offhands alongside his three other throwing axes.

Combat Training: One Handed Axe - Mastered/ Throwing Axe - Mastered / Two Handed Axe - Mastered / Hand to Hand - Novice / Swordsmanship - Basics / Spearmanship - Novice

Training & Skills:

Blacksmithing 10/10 - Long gone is the bumbling fool that scarred himself with his mistakes, now he's willing to call himself amongst the best of the best blacksmiths in the realm.
Fishing 5/10 - He hasn't been able to in a very long time, and misses the peace it used to provide him.
Engraving: 6/10 - He made his tools and has gotten some practice in. It's looking like actual engraving now, rather than scratches or torn metal. "Ahhhhh, that's lookin nice. a' lil more o' tha' and 'all 'ave somethin lookin nice."
Cooking 4/10 - Having not had time to cook for a very long time, he's not really thought of much and has therefore degraded somewhat.
Horse Riding 2/10 - Is almost completely inept at riding them, barely managing to stay on at a canter.
Medicine 6/10 - Due to often he and others around him are injured, he's had to develop into quite the competent healer. Surgery may still be beyond him, but he's more than capable of stitching a wound or stopping someone from bleeding out.
Artistic Drawing - 4/10 - Hasn't drawn in a very long time, and constant hammering at the anvil is beginning to make his ability to draw suffer "Gods, and I thought I was bad before."
Climbing - 8/10 - He enjoys it, and it's one of the few things he'll admit he's good at. "Sure, it's good fun making stuff. Feels pretty good to climb it as well, though a little less fun to fall off of it."

Elven - 10/10 - He's essentially mastered Elven by now, having spoken it for so long. He rarely makes a mistake with it now.
Horgaahn - 10/10 - He grew up speaking the language, so there's very few words he wouldn't know. "Ae barruz fer meir darams et meir famuz!"
Astremian - 10/10 - He's lived there long enough to learn the language well enough to be capable of teaching someone the language, even without The Book.
Aori - 7/10 - He's had quite a few lessons and he's managed to practice it a lot.
Marjash - 3/10 - He's gotten a few lessons, and practiced conversations a little. He's struggling a little with it.
Source - 1/10 - An apparamtly dead language now, one he'll never become more advanced in.

Occupation: Guardsman Lieutenant of Storms Landing
Favorite Types of Food: Meat dishes
Favorite Types of Drink: Ale
Hobbies/Pastimes: Smithing, climbing, mining.
Favorite Colors: Turquoise.


Relevant Family Members;

WaterPrincess_ - Maple - His first daughter. They met again through happanstance, and have begun to reconcile. He feels awkward and unsure of how to speak with her.

Lizardd_ - Meira - His second daughter. She grew up fast and moved on even faster. He wishes she'd write or visit sometime.

abirosse - Lura Omaruji - His third daughter. She was going through a hard time and needed a father figure in her life... He figured why not just make it official. Another daughter he hasn't seen in months, and she doesn't even consider him a father anymore after an accident that caused her to forget her emotions. It hurts him more than he lets on, even more so as time has passed.

Ressplendent - Elanor - His fourth daughter. She was going through a hard time and didn't have a father figure in her life either. I offered her a family, and she accepted. He just wishes could see her again. It's been months since she up and vanished without a word. He wishes for some contact with her, to know she's alright and to speak once more.

Emily - His fifth daughter. She's a seriously shy child. She doesn't say or do much, but he loves her all the same.

Sienna - His sixth daughter. He found her near death in the desert. She's sickly, and still hasn't fully recovered from her time there. He's begun learning Marjash just to try to make her more comfortable. The child has been distant as of late, however. He loves her all the same.

(I swear I'm forgetting a daughter or two...)

Romantic Interests;

None, poor Dwarf

True Friends;


Good Friends;

Joseph12Q - Flourish - Your an interesting Construct, and a good friend. He's hoping to have him teach him more about Source, but first and foremost he wants to be friends with him first.


Jazzper - Milah Something or Other - She can be weird. At times, she's nice and pleasant to be around, and other times she's a bitch who's annoyed that he got injured, as if she was expecting him to ask her to fix him. On the whole, however, he regards her positively.

Galaxy - Aislin - The child of Lune Tek'Ton, who he treats like his own child. They had an extreme falling out, but are beginning to repair their bond once again.

Ellievator - Thryss Vendolyn - She helped him when he needed it, however the two haven't spoken a word, since. He'll never forget her, if only because he has a home in her Valley, but he couldn't say he knows her anymore.

Adam/Byrne - Hellmann Kegheart - He liked her, then they became good friends. Now, he feels like she only spent time with him to convince him to hand over something of value. He's unsure if he's just being paranoid or not, but the feelings there nonetheless.


FizzyDrinks - Seeker - I'm not just going to forgive what you did. You want to show me you're sorry? Prove it.

Ruu Darling - Jenette - He would have given everything in order to help her and the cult. Now... He'd rather not see her.


Retro Hagrid - Bok'Ra - For what you made me convince myself of... I will kill you a hundred, nay, a thousand times over.

Kostadim - Branko - Bastard. He hurt Flourish and countless others. Wish I'd beat the man in his cell.

Wary Of;

Ressplendent Astreia - You forgot me. It's weird, but maybe for the better. Maybe this time I can help you better, without the huge rift between us this time. And he will help her kick that nasty habit of hers

Loathed and Despised;

- You made me forget my daughter. My family. My friends. You and your followers will pay.

Sons of Jishrim - Destroyed, or as destroyed as he can make them.

Forgotten (Easy enough for him);

Joseph12Q - Isaac Dunrad - You've caused Sophie a hell of a lot of stress as of late. Aside from that, you're a decent guy.

tyufiire7 - Umbra Night - A Vetrium guard, seems to have his head on in the right place and can follow orders. Good lad. This guy wrote a novel about me screwing him.... Ugh.

Juvix_ - Quill Emiryn - Hasn't been seen in forever.

Magic Intern - Maebh - You're a weird one, benbin. Tried to shock me once, but a fair reaction. You're fortunes are interesting, to say the least, and you were taking care of my daughter when she ran. Thank you for that.

Bartooliinii - Kublai - A faint memory sparked of him, of a time long ago... Something of a book company.

Celestea - Florence Canon - She's a lovely lass, but one he hasn't seen in a long time. It's a shame, as she was a nice one. He hopes she's well.

I am Wake - Lana Wake - We've had a good few laughs, and you tried to help me when I was going through a tough time. Ae wirkumm yer harr.

Icanra - Lune Tek'Ton - We've had our quarrels, certainly. You can be thick headed and an idiot, but you're the Lord of Astrum, and Astrum has to come first.

Citrine - Phi - A former lover, one he never really fully moved on from.

Lovelyninja567- Sophie Velour - A formerly important friend, one he's forgotten after so long of little contact. A shame, as he could have done with support during his darker days.

Life Changing Accomplishments;

Helped to suppress the Riots of Astrum. Was wounded, but came out well enough.

Went on an Expedition, with which the group encountered something claiming to be The Reaper (Stone Golem). During the time at which they were arguing (With the Stone Golem), he spotted a path to the Island it was on, and was the first to attack the beast after leading a small group onto the island, to which they killed the Golem.

Helped kill a Broodmother inside of a cave, and took a leg as trophy.

Also killed some 6 Krowlers in his first encounter with them, before someone lit them and their nest up like a bonfire on crack.

Tried to save a Llama on top of the Astrum roof. Got attacked by his backpack and not only nearly died, but almost killed his friend as well.

Killed a Kidnapper named Henry with a strike to the neck after he attacked the Lord of Astrum.

Buried the body of someone he didn't know (Woven) whilst drunk. A sobering experience, that being the first person he ever buried. This particular achievement appears to have been... Forgotten.

Adopted his daughter, Maple.

Resisted the urge to spill his friends secrets in order to obtain something of staggering importance to him.

Removed the hand of a corrupted mage that was shouting Mortan at the party, deflected a lightning bolt with his face (Read as - was hit with a lightning bolt) and took down two false sons of Skeira, before being vaporised.

In a situation between drowning or living, he used AN ANCHOR AS A GRAPPLING HOOK and dragged a ship back to shore with it.
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Lord of Altera
Claimed for Art and Themes

abirosse did this AWESOME looking gem of the beardless Dwarf, and I love it!
abirosse's art!.jpg

The Cartoon Witch did this awesome gem! Ahhhhhhhhh!
And the finished product! I love it allllll!

A poor reference, but imagine that this is the pattern going around his eye down to his neck.
Great thanks for the lovely art done by MelodyComplex!


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Lord of Altera
Lovely update, adding those who I can remember. If you need to be added (Or I've got you there without a username) go ahead and comment and I'll add you


Guardian Of The Vibes
Hey, just to note, as per the dwarven lore their weights range from about 130 to 170. While that's a guideline, 105 is a bit out of the general range.


Lord of Altera
Whoops. I knew the weight was supposed to be more, but I edited it. God knows why I thought I'd put it too high. Cheers!


Lord of Altera
I have returned to HollowWorld! Hopefully, I can get back into this because it's been an age since I actually played. Now to get on with that Whitelist app...


Lord of Altera
Very Sweet
Big Voter
He/Him, They/Them
(@Rujala ) Rowaldin Teline - I apologised as I promised I would, and I appreciate the journal you gave me to replace my one, but I still despise you for destroying my old one. There's a lot lost, thanks to you.

Tried to save a Llama on top of the Astrum roof. Got attacked by his backpack and not only nearly died, but almost killed his friend as well.
I remember this


Lord of Altera
Updated a bunch of relations! It was loooong overdue, please tell me if I've missed you!
(I've forgotten how to add a username as well ._. )