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rorman un-ban appeal [Denied]

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Ok I know im terrible with these because im not good with words but i ask you one thing what were my last server logs for the tekkit and rp server and also why so long after me getting ban from the tekkit server look what im trying to say is why ban me a mount after the tekkit server ban if you was going to ban me why not have ban me when the tekkit server ban came in to place.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
A glitch caused the Ban Lists not to be synced.
When we found out they werent synced, we banned you on the Altera banlist, given the circumstances on your previous appeal.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
It might have been taken down, as far as i know its still up, but regardless your behaviour on Tekkit, your massive forum spam and your attitude have shown you not to be the kind of player we want on hollowworld.


King ForumStalker
Let's see, you were originally banned for greif and general annoyance on Tekkit.

The banlists were supposed to be joint, get banned on one, get banned on the other as well.

A glitch/bug prevented this from working properly, therefore you having extra time on Altera.

This came to our attention, you were subsequently banned.

After your banning, you repeatedly spammed and necro'd the crap out of the forums, resulting in a forum ban.

And now we are here, so tell me, why in Cherbert's name should we let you back in? You've proven to be immature, impatient and completely unable to follow rules, what advantage do we hold to gain by giving you another chance?


Your over exsadurating on the c"Completely unable to follow rules" part and I never knew what a necro was maybe I did spam a little but I was angry at being ban of the tekkit server and no one really posted this on the forums that you get ban on tekkit or rp yo get ban on he outher and were did the annoying part come from it may be a tad true that I do pestour alot and talk a lot but that's who I am man you carnt change me plenty of people have tried but failed and I like me how I am so maybe you can use big fancy words and were a suite but think of the little man and in this situastion I'm the little man


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
Your over exsadurating on the c"Completely unable to follow rules" part and I never knew what a necro was maybe I did spam a little but I was angry at being ban of the tekkit server and no one really posted this on the forums that you get ban on tekkit or rp yo get ban on he outher and were did the annoying part come from it may be a tad true that I do pestour alot and talk a lot but that's who I am man you carnt change me plenty of people have tried but failed and I like me how I am so maybe you can use big fancy words and were a suite but think of the little man and in this situastion I'm the little man
If you hunt around you can find it.

Also you would be more likely to be unbanned if you used punctuation. It would be easyer for us if we didn't need to read what you write in one big go.


King ForumStalker
I'm not overexaggerating, i'm telling you the truth. We have rules and you broke them, and you responded by spamming our forums? And this is supposed to make us think about letting you return?

In a ban appeal, you dont say we were wrong, you dont make excuses. You say sorry for what you did. I haven't once seen an apology to anyone involved from you, not to Mat and Sparky for greifing their town, not to anyone.

I will ask this question again, what do we stand to gain by giving you another chance?


Lord of Altera
I'm not overexaggerating, i'm telling you the truth. We have rules and you broke them, and you responded by spamming our forums? And this is supposed to make us think about letting you return?

In a ban appeal, you dont say we were wrong, you dont make excuses. You say sorry for what you did. I haven't once seen an apology to anyone involved from you, not to Mat and Sparky for greifing their town, not to anyone.

I will ask this question again, what do we stand to gain by giving you another chance?
Ahem xD


The original mute
Yes jinx I know it was your town too, but sparky and I were the ones directly affected. I wish to add something that really confuses, and worries me about rorman. There are times where his English is great, punctuation and grammar very good, then there are times when all that vanishes, now I know there are many possible reasons for that, but I've looked over his applications, for both tekkit and hollowworld, not once does he mention a disability which can do that to him. It isn't the kind of thing you'd miss, so here comes the mildly scared part, this raises the question, to me at least, is he account sharing? I doubt we will get an answer, but I know, until sparky and I get a public apology, along with the rest of the people of hollowworld, I won't stand for you being on the server. If this message hasn't been made clear already, people who have acted like you have are not welcome on hollowworld, so please go and find a server that fits you better. Yes I know rorman was forum banned, I just expect him to continue reading this thread anyway, because even after he got kicked he thought he would get back into town.
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