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Rorman unban appeal

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Well hear we all are again sat around our computers but this time I do plan to do this correctly even do it is around 10:28 in the morning and most of the spelling shall be teribel achiley it may be ok becuase I'm in a good mod and on my iPad but any ways . I rorman922 apologise for the accusations I took around a mouth ago by that I mean blowing up Matyio and also sparkey and also griffeing there town at the same time and I apologise to you and the whole hollow world community for my accusation on that day so I hope some were in your hartes you can find the genarostiy to un ban me from hollow world and ty for your time of reading this.

(ps im not account shearing I don't know what up with my spelling at points of time but yes it can really go slurped at points but I don't know why that happens at all so just to clear the air now account shearing ( well I kinda am but I always remove the ip for the server becuase my little bro dosent have mc I let him go on my account but he's not abble to get on a server.) also ty for your time.)


You got angry and griefed someone entire town. It wasn't just a minor grief, you blew up parts of it. I cannot expect our playerbase to trust you into their town. Especially since some of them might not know of your past offenses. It would not be fair towards them. I'm sorry it has to be this way since I don't think you genuinely mean harm.


Okay Rorman. You have deleted this thread 4 times now and started a new thread. Your appeal is denied. One more time and it will be a permanent ban from the forums.


I have found out, he created new account on forum and posted ban appeal.
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