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[Ruleset] "Southern Rules" Fencing


The wrong.
A simplified version of foil fencing rules for use in roleplay.

ICly can be considered the rules of fencing originating in the South for flavour, why not.
I am not a fencer nor claim these to be entirely accurate, it is simplified for roleplay.

500px-Three-Arms.svg (1).png

| The Foil
The foil is a rapier-like weapon, with a dull edge and a blunted tip, ideally covered in leather or cloth to blunt an impact.
| The Piste or the Strip
The strip a fencing match occurs on is called the piste. In standard rules, the piste measures 15 blocks by 3 blocks. An actual strip can have more or less markings on it, but these are the important points:
Red strips: The markers of the end of the strip, if a fencer backs into this area, a point is awarded to their opponent.
Green lines: The 'en-garde lines' where the fencers line up at the beginning of each bout.
Gray strip: The mid-point of the piste.
| The Rules
1. Each fencer must begin at the en-garde lines, and cannot move from them until "Allez!" or "Go!" is shouted.
2. Each fencer must stay on the piste. Stepping off the piste or into the ends of the piste grants their opponent a point.
3. To score a point, the fencer must hit the tip of their foil against their opponent's arms, shoulders, or torso. Hits against the legs do not count, and intentional hits against the head are grounds for disqualification.
4. A fencer cannot use any part of their body to hit or block the other's foil, or cover their body in any way. They should be using only their foil.
| A Bout
A bout involves three people: a fencer on each side, as well as a judge. In more informal matches, the fencers may judge themselves.
Each bout begins with the fencers saluting each other however they like; the most common way is to hold their foil out to the other. Once this has been done, each fencer should line up along the en-garde lines (marked in green above).
The judge will then call out in either Common or Lavo: "En garde!" ("On guard!"), then "Prêts?" ("Ready?"), then finally "Allez!" ("Go!"). When they have called out "Allez!" the fencers begin their bout. They continue until one has landed a hit on the other with the tip of their foil, or one has stepped out of the piste. The judge will call out the point, and the fencers return to the en-garde lines.
The bout continues until one fencer reaches three points, at which point they have won the match.
| OOC Rolling
Common sense applies here. A fencer going for a strike against another should be a Body+Melee roll, and evading a strike a Body+Evasion roll. Focus should only be applied in attacks if the focus is in one-handed weapons, and only in evasions if the focus is dodging.
Based on the emotes and the moves being made by the fencer, the judge will increase or decrease the DC for the difficulty of the action. If there is no judge, the fencers shall decide together.

Thanks to SovietReindeer for helping
me test out these rules in practice, and for
inspiration to write this.



Lord of Altera
Oh boi, you should’ve known that us hungarians are too good at fencing. Finally I can use my… 7? years of fencing knowledge.

Time to make a new character.
A flamboyant rapier wielding bard with a thiccc hungarian accent.


Lord of Altera
Also, I might volunteer to write up simplified version for the epée and the sabre, having practiced all three types of styles.


The wrong.
Also, I might volunteer to write up simplified version for the epée and the sabre, having practiced all three types of styles.
To be fair, epee ruleset simplified would likely be the same, since the bulk of the differences are in technique and style of fighting rather than actual ruleset (other than full-body, but I mean, eh). Since the weight of weapons doesn't matter much, I imagine it wouldn't be much of a difference.

Sabre could be interesting, though. The ruleset would again likely be similar, other than that you can you slashing attacks rather than mere thrusts - by all means though, write-up as you like!


Lord of Altera
To be fair, epee ruleset simplified would likely be the same, since the bulk of the differences are in technique and style of fighting rather than actual ruleset (other than full-body, but I mean, eh). Since the weight of weapons doesn't matter much, I imagine it wouldn't be much of a difference.

Sabre could be interesting, though. The ruleset would again likely be similar, other than that you can you slashing attacks rather than mere thrusts - by all means though, write-up as you like!
Well Fleche could be included for Epée aswell the lack of Right of Way. And the full-body target area would slow it down.
For Sabre, well, it is said that the sword of a sabrist is the second fastest moving object on the olympics after a marksman's bullet. The above waist target area and the addition of the Right of Way would make it pretty fun.
Also technically speaking, foil inly has the torso as target area. Stuck in other places would stop the bout, except if its struck with the edge of the blade.

Also one thing. I wonder if we could use fencing clothing aswell. We could use the charcaol tips for the weapons for marking(Technically its only good for rp but, eh)