Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Saevsa The Dreamer


Name: Saevesa Sakura
Nickname/Alias: Sav, Savy

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Fairy
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 120 pounds
Hair: jet Black
Eyes: jet Black
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Scar etched into her left arm in the shape of a Sparrow
Appearance: A tall, beautifully striking young woman with Jet black eyes and hair. With an ora of emotionless glee, she is unrecognizable. Yet she is truly a good friend one you get to know her. Her skin Is as pale as a ghast sparkling in the distant sunlight.
Strengths: Hiding emotions, Art, Hunting, Magic, Dream Infiltrating
Weaknesses and fears: Spiders, Bloodshed, Imposing threats, Death
Religion and cults: Haraeth follower
Profession: wanderer and acquaintance/assistant of professor Mady at Uthrandir