Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sarah Kanen (peculiar guy)

Peculiar Player

The Dragon Cultist
Name: Valerie Kanen
Weight:95 lbs
Hair: Straight light brown hair
Eyes: Light Blue
Skin: Tan
Identifying Marks: She has scars from where her wings were cut off...
Appearance: Wheres a plain shirt and skirt, she also has a red trimmed cloak she likes to wear. She usually has her smithy gloves on.
Strengths: She's an Autrion and she is strengthened by both light and dark magick. She is also an extremly skilled smith, like all the Autrions.
Weaknesses and fears: She fears The Army of Naught which destroyed her kingdom. She also has loyalty issues.
Religion and cults: None
Profession: She was the Queen of Autria, but it was short-lived, sinec they were wiped out and she is a blacksmith