Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sean Roscoe: Banned once more?

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Sean Roscoe

I have been banned, but I am not sure why. The server gives no reason for this and the ban list on the Unban Appeals page is 404ing. If anyone can explain the reason for my ban I would greatly appreciate it. I was on yesterday (Thurs 3/22/2012) with no issues, and I did not meet or talk to anyone during that time besides than other Golden Peak residents. I am just very confused right now.

Edit: Added date of "yesterday"

Sean Roscoe

I also want to add that I was unable to log into the server for most of today, but instead of a ban I simply could not contact the server. Usually that means it is completely down. If that is the case is it possible that it was rolled back and my name was re-added to the ban list? I'll admit I know little to nothing of server administration, I've always had someone else do it before. I just postulating here.


King ForumStalker
We're currently experiencing plugin problems, your whitelisted but unable to be unbanned currently.

Sit tight, and we'll have it sorted soon.
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